He waiata
He waiata aroha mō ngā purapura ora
Kāore te aroha i ahau mō koutou e te iwi i mahue kau noa
i te tika
I whakarerea e te ture i raurangi rā
Tāmia rawatia ana te whakamanioro
He huna whakamamae nō te tūkino
He auhi nō te puku i pēhia kia ngū
Ko te kaikinikini i te tau o taku ate tē rite ai ki te kōharihari o tōu
Arā pea koe rā kei te kopa i Mirumiru-te-pō
Pō tiwhatiwha pōuri kenekene
Tē ai he huringa ake i ō mahara
Nei tāku, ‘kei tōia atu te tatau ka tomokia ai’
Tēnā kē ia kia huri ake tāua ki te kimi oranga
E mate pūmahara? Kāhorehore! Kāhorehore!
E ara e hoa mā, māngai nuitia te kupu pono i te puku o Kareāroto
Kia iri ki runga rawa ki te rangi tīhore he rangi waruhia ka awatea
E puta ai te ihu i te ao pakarea ki te ao pakakina
Hei ara mōu kei taku pōkai kōtuku ki te oranga
E hua ai te pito mata i roto rā kei aku purapura ora
Tiritiria ki toi whenua, onokia ka morimoria ai
Ka pihi ki One-haumako, ki One-whakatupu
Kei reira e hika mā te manako kia ea i te utu
Kia whakaahuritia tō mana tangata tō mana tuku iho nā ō rau kahika
Koia ka whanake koia ka manahua koia ka ngawhā
He houkura mārie mōwai rokiroki āio nā koutou ko Rongo
Koia ka puta ki te whaiao ki te ao mārama
Whitiwhiti ora e!
A Love Song for the Living Seeds
The love within me for you, the people, remains unchanged
Left alone, abandoned by justice and order
Subjected to the silent suffering of mistreatment
A heaviness in the core, silenced into stillness
The gnawing of my heart cannot compare to the anguish of yours
Perhaps you are hidden in the depths of the night, Mirumiru-te-pō
A night dark and dense
Where there may be no turning in your memories
But here’s my thought: ‘Do not push open the door to enter’
Instead, let us turn to seek life and well-being
Is memory dead? No, certainly not!
Arise, friends, let the truth resound loudly from the heart of Kareāroto
To ascend to the clear skies, a sky washed clean at dawn
Emerging from the troubled world to a world of promise
A path for you, my flock of herons, to life
So, the precious core may blossom within you, my living seeds
Scattered across the land, cherished and growing in abundance
Rising in One-haumako, in One-whakatupu
There, my friends, lies the hope to fulfil the cost
To restore your human dignity, your inherited mana from your ancestors
Thus, it will thrive, flourish, and burst forth
A peaceful feather, a treasured calm, a serene peace from Rongo
Emerging into the world of light, into the world of understanding
A crossing of life indeed!
– Paraone Gloyne