This hearing was different to other Inquiry hearings because there weren’t survivor witnesses. State agencies were the only witnesses.  

State agencies are the organisations that help look after New Zealanders and are responsible for people in care. The organisations included people like the Police, Corrections and the Ministry of Health. 

The state’s witnesses talked about: 

  • What they have done to make things better for people in care now. 
  • How complaints were listened to and handled. 
  • How people were looked after in care. 

The Inquiry asked the witnesses about documents or pieces of evidence, but these documents and evidence weren’t shown on the screen. This hearing has many more documents than previous hearings. Because of the large number of documents and the sensitive personal information in those documents, they weren’t shown publicly. Instead of showing the evidence, the Inquiry or Crown counsel explained the evidence. 

***Distressing content warning***

This material contains explicit descriptions of tūkino – abuse, harm and trauma – and may evoke strong negative, emotional responses for readers. Although this response may be unpleasant and difficult to tolerate, it is also appropriate to feel upset. Respect others’ truths, breathe deeply, take care of your spirit and be gentle with your heart. However, if you or someone in your close circle needs support, please contact your healthcare or wellbeing provider. 

Hearing schedule

Outlined below are the witnesses that spoke at the hearing. Witness statements, briefs of evidence, video footage and transcripts of their testimony can be accessed through the links below. 

Day 1: 15 August 2022 

Day 2: 16 August 2022 

Day 3: 17 August 2022 

Day 4: 18 August 2022 

Day 5: 19 August 2022 

Day 6-8: 22-24 August 2022 

Day 9: 25 August 2022 

Day 10: 26 August 2022