1.  Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital on the health and wellbeing of the whānau, hapū and iwi of Ngā Wairiki and Ngāti Apa (Grant Huwyler et al., 2022), p 46.
  2.  In this report, we have adopted the definition of torture used by Solicitor-General Una Jagose at our public hearing into the unit.
  3.  Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 32.
  4.  Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 32.
  5.  Affidavit of Dr Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116 (22 September 1995), p 9.
  6.  The Dominion,”Psychiatrist Stands by Shock Decision”, 12 July 1977 cited in Operation Lake Alice, NZP0000314 (29 June 2001), pp 6 and
  7.  Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 8 April 2021), para 48.
  8.  Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 24 March 2021), para 43; Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 June 2021), para 75.
  9.  Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 77.
  10.  Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 March 2021), para 47.
  11.  Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000025 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 3 November 2020), p 26.
  12. Background Submission, NZP0009543, p.1
  13.  The team of iwi researchers for Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa were Grant Huwyler, David Armstrong, Chris Shenton, Leanne Hiroti, Cherry Smith, and Andre McLachlan.
  14.  Wanganui Chronicle (3 August 1921).
  15.  Manawatū Times (18 November 1938), Rangitīkei Advocate and Manawatū Argus (22 December 1937); Lake Alice Mental Hospital site plan, RDC 00256:1:44 (Archives Central, Fielding, 1975).
  16.  Armstrong, D, ‘A sure and certain possession’: The 1849 Rangitīkei/Manawatū transaction and its aftermath (Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2004).
  17.  ‘Early history of Rangitīkei, and notes on the Ngāti Apa tribe’. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. XLII (1909), facing p 96.
  18.  “Setting Apart Maori Freehold Land as a Maori Reservation”, New Zealand Gazette (No 4, 26 January 1978), p 154.
  19.  Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, pp 15, 24, 37–39 and 45–47.
  20.  Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, pp 27–28.
  21.  Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, pp 3–4.
  22.  King, PT, Māori with lived experience of disability: Part 1 (Wai 2575, commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal for Stage 2 of the Wai 2757 Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry, Ministry of Justice, 2019), p 100.
  23.  Kaiwai, H, & Allport, T, Māori with disabilities (Part two): Report commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal for the Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry (Wai 2575) (Ministry of Justice, 2019), p 18.
  24.  Waitangi Tribunal, Ko Aotearoa tēnei: A report into claims concerning New Zealand law and policy affecting Māori culture and identity – Te taumata tuarua (vol 2, Legislation Direct, 2011), p 602.
  25.  Waitangi Tribunal, Ko Aotearoa tēnei, p 604.
  26.  Kaiwai & Allport, Māori with disabilities (Part two), pp 18–21.
  27.  Waitangi Tribunal, Ko Aotearoa tēnei, p 217.
  28.  United Nations Special Rapporteur, Report of the special rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities (A/HRC/43/41, United Nations, 2020), para 9.
  29.  Donald Beasley Institute, Tell me about you: A life story approach to understanding disabled people’s experiences in care (1950–1999), MSC0008077 (2022), p 131.
  30.  United Nations Special Rapporteur on Health, Report of the special rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health (A/HRC/41/34, United Nations, 2019), para 89.
  31.  United Nations Special Rapporteur, Report of the special rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, para 9.
  32.  Clifton, S, Hierarchies of power: Disability theories and models and their implications for violence against, and abuse, neglect, and exploitation of, people with disability (Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability, 2020), p 33.
  33.  Donald Beasley Institute, Good practice for disabled tamariki and rangatahi in care (Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Tamariki, 2022), p 62.
  34.  Brunton, W, “Mental health services”, Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand (2011, revised 2022), https://teara.govt.nz/en/mental-health-services.
  35.  Gassin, T, Māori mental health: A report commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal for the Wai 2575 Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry (Ministry of Justice, 2019), p 2.
  36.  Gassin, Māori mental health, p 2.
  37.  Tennant, M, “Disability in New Zealand: An historical survey”, New Zealand journal of disability studies 2 (1996), pp 12–14.
  38.  Aitken, R, et al, Report of the consultative committee set up by the Hon the Minister of Education in August 1951 (New Zealand Parliament, 1953).
  39.  Brookes, B, ‘“Cherishing hopes of the impossible”: Mothers, fathers, and disability at birth in mid-twentieth century New Zealand’, in Bodily subjects: Essay on gender and health, 1800–2000, eds T Light, B Brookes and W Mitchinson (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015), pp 187–190, cited in Kaiwai & Allport, Māori with disabilities (Part two), p 28.
  40.  Durie, M, Mauri ora: The dynamics of Māori health (Oxford University Press, 2001), p 19.
  41.  Mahony, P, et al, Te Āiotanga: Report of the confidential forum for former in-patients of psychiatric hospitals (Department of Internal Affairs, 2007), pp 19, 21.
  42.  Paterson, R, et al, He ara oranga: Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction (Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction, 2018).
  43.  Brookes, ‘“Cherishing hopes of the impossible”, pp 187–190, cited in Kaiwai & Allport, Māori with disabilities (Part two), p 28.
  44.  Gassin, Māori mental health, pp 8–9, 12 and 15.
  45.  Gassin, Māori mental health, pp 16–18.
  46.  Bennett, JE, & Brickell, C, “Surveilling the mind and body: Medicalising and de-medicalising homosexuality in 1970s New Zealand”, Medical history 62 no 3 (2018), pp 199–216.
  47.  Dalley, B, Family matters: Child welfare in twentieth-century New Zealand (Auckland University Press, 1998), pp 178–181.
  48.  Soler, J, Drifting towards moral chaos: The 1954 Mazengarb report – A moral panic over “juvenile immorality” (master’s thesis, Massey University, 1988); Dalley, Family matters.
  49.  Garlick, T, Social developments: An organisational history of the Ministry of Social Development and its predecessors, 1860–2011 (Steele Roberts Aotearoa, 2012).
  50.  “Mental group work”, The Press (29 April 1958), p 7.
  51.  Department of Health, Submission by the Department of Health to the Royal Commission to Inquire into and Report upon Hospital and Related Services, CCH0003794 (vol 2, 1972), p 6.
  52.  Email from University of Otago registrar to Royal Commission into Abuse in Care, MSC0007869 (19 October 2021). The 1972 Royal Commission of Inquiry into Hospital and Related Services also identified Dr Selwyn Leeks as the first recipient of this diploma.
  53.  Position statement of the Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy, MOH0000911 (1972), p 3.
  54.  Frazer, AG. Psychiatric needs of disturbed social welfare children and adolescents and consultative psychiatric practices in social welfare institutions, ORT0003268 (Department of Health, 1975), pp 19–20.
  55.  First witness statement of Dr David Baron, WITN0133001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 30 November 2020), para 6.
  56.  Barker, R, Letter from Department of Health to ombudsman, CRL0101512 (Department of Health, 20 May 1974), p 1.
  57.  Frazer, Psychiatric needs of disturbed social welfare children and adolescents, p 6.
  58.  Department of Health, Report of the Department of Health for the year ended 31 March 1969, NMA0011570 (1969), p 119.
  59.  Department of Health, Department of Health report for the year ended 31 March 1960, (18 October 1960), p 25.
  60.  Dalley, Family matters, p 172.
  61.  Statistics New Zealand, The New Zealand official year-book, 1979 (1979), stats.govt.nz/New_Zealand_Official_Yearbooks/1979/NZOYB_1979.html?_ga=2.42456613.1670128937.1598222411-1394902733.1597718365
  62.  Dalley, Family matters, p 235.
  63.  Craig, T, & Mills, M, Care and control: The role of institutions in New Zealand (New Zealand Planning Council, 1987), p 36.
  64.  Parker, W, Social welfare residential care 1950–1994: Vol II National institutions (Ministry of Social Development, 2006), pp 51 and 77. 
  65.  Stanley, E, The road to hell: State violence against children in postwar New Zealand (Auckland University Press, 2016), p 209.
  66.  Stanley, The road to hell, p 52.
  67.  Fergusson, D, Fleming, J & O’Neill, DP, Child abuse in New Zealand: A report on a nationwide survey of the physical ill-treatment of children in New Zealand (Department of Social Welfare, 1972), pp 151–152.
  68.  Craig & Mills, Care and control, p 36.
  69.  Waitangi Tribunal, He pāharakeke, he rito whakakīkinga whāruarua: Oranga Tamariki urgent inquiry (pre-publication version, 2021), p 5.
  70.  Waitangi Tribunal, He pāharakeke, he rito whakakīkinga whāruarua, p 13.
  71.  Stanley, The road to hell, p 46.
  72.  Frazer, A, Treatment facilities in child psychiatry in the Wellington area, MOH0000921 (10 September 1973), pp 1–2.
  73.  Frazer, Treatment facilities in child psychiatry in the Wellington area, p 21, para 6.
  74.  Frazer, Psychiatric needs of disturbed social welfare children and adolescents.
  75.  Frazer, Psychiatric needs of disturbed social welfare children and adolescents, p 24.
  76.  Frazer, Psychiatric needs of disturbed social welfare children and adolescents, p 24.
  77.  Frazer, Psychiatric needs of disturbed social welfare children and adolescents, introduction page.
  78.  Frazer, Psychiatric needs of disturbed social welfare children and adolescents, p 24.
  79.  New Zealand Council of Social Service, Facilities and services for emotionally disturbed children, ORT0000333 (1977), p 21.
  80.  Brunton, W, “Mental health services: Mental hospitals, 1910s to 1930s”, Te Ara: The Encyclopaedia of New Zealand (5 May 2011), https://teara.govt.nz/en/mental-health-services/page-3
  81.  “New mental home: Original layout planned”, Evening Post (5 November 1945), p 5.
  82.  Prebble, C, Ordinary men and uncommon women: A history of psychiatric nursing in New Zealand public hospitals, 1939–1972 (PhD thesis, University of Auckland, 2007), p 37.
  83.  Organisation chart, CRL0098087 (Lake Alice Hospital, no date).
  84.  Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1972, CRL0098266 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1973), pp 2–3.
  85.  Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Peter Lewis, Facilities for children, WHB0020992 (29 July 1970).
  86.  Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1970, WHB0004615 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1971), p 7.
  87.  Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1971, WHB0004621 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1972), p 3.
  88.  Note from Dr Sydney Pugmire, Dr Leeks’ duties, WHB0020503 (29 June 1971).
  89.  Note from Sydney Pugmire to patient affairs clerk, Child psychiatrist at Lake Alice, WHB0020517 (9 November 1971).
  90.  Pugmire, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1971, p 3; Pugmire, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1970, , p 2.
  91.  Leeks, S, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, CRL0044156_00108 (unpublished, c1977), pp 1–2.
  92.  Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 21 April 2021), para 35.
  93.  Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 2.
  94.  Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, para 35.
  95.  Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, Lake Alice Hospital psychiatric establishment, CRL0099192 (3 October 1972), pp 1–2.
  96.  Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, Lake Alice Hospital psychiatric establishment, pp 1–2.
  97.  Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, Lake Alice Hospital psychiatric establishment, pp 1–2.
  98.  Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, pp 2 and 5–6.
  99.  Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital, 1975 WHB0048157 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1976), p 6.
  100. Pugmire, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital, 1975, p 6.
  101. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, para 83.
  102. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 2.
  103. Schedule of Ministry of Education documents for Notice to Produce no 6, MOE0000634 (7 August 2020), p 8.
  104. Established as a special school under section 98 of the Education Act 1964; Statement of Michael Scott for the Ministry of Education for Notice to Produce no 31, MOE0002553 (8 March 2021), Schedule A, para 1.
  105. Letter from director-general of education to Minister of Education, Use of electro-convulsive-therapy (ECT) at Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, Marton, MOE0000619 (20 December 1976).
  106. Baird, F and Robinson, L, Lake Alice Hospital School 1977: A report to the district senior inspector, CRL0100728 (26 August 1977), p 6.
  107. Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1974, WHB0004608 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1975), p 9.
  108. Witness statement of a principal, WITN0228001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 24 February 2021), para 39.
  109. Witness statement of a principal, WITN0228001, para 41.
  110. Letter from LM Robinson to D Ross, MOE0000515 (14 November 1977).
  111. Letter from LM Robinson to officer for special education, MOE0000385 (13 November 1973); Lake Alice Hospital school, MOE0000386 (handwritten report, 11 September 1974); Baird, F and Robinson, L, MOE0000394 (26 August 1977); Schedule of Ministry of Education documents for Notice to Produce no 6, p 2.
  112. Schedule of Ministry of Education documents for Notice to Produce no 6, p 2.
  113. Baird and Robinson, MOE0000394.
  114. Baird and Robinson, MOE0000394.
  115. Baird and Robinson, MOE0000394.
  116. Leeks, S, Curriculum vitae: Selwyn Robert Leeks, MSC0007746 (c2005), p 1.
  117. Leeks, Curriculum vitae, p 1.
  118. Leeks, Curriculum vitae, p 1.
  119. Leeks, Curriculum vitae, pp 1–2.
  120. Leeks, Curriculum vitae, p 2.
  121. Letter from Ian McArthur (manager, southern legal, New Zealand Police) to Malcolm Burgess (detective inspector, New Zealand Police), Re: Lake Alice mental institution: Allegations of cruelty, NZP0000856 (1 December 2009), p 4.
  122. Leeks, Curriculum vitae, p 2; Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, para 9.
  123. Leeks, Curriculum vitae, p 2.
  124. Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, paras 9 and 33.
  125. It is important to treat this data with caution as Oranga Tamariki was often drawing together information from incomplete files and some files may have been lost or destroyed. Oranga Tamariki was unable to specify whether these individuals were placed in the unit or the wider hospital.
  126. This number differs slightly from the 97 referred to in Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 13 August 2021), as we found five individuals whose first placement was from home, but who later had placements from out-of-home care, who were included in the out-of-home care placements. Also, two individuals had placements from home from a hospital. We have counted these placements as from home in line with the data from Oranga Tamariki.
  127. Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605, pp 6–39.
  128. Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1970, WHB0004615 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1971), p 7; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1971, WHB0048156 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1972), p 3; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1972, CRL0098266 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1973), p 5; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1973, WHB0004609 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1974), p 7; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1974, WHB0004608 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1975), p 10; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1975, WHB0048157 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1976), p 4; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1976, WHB0048158 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1977), p 4; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1977, CRL0097634 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1978), p 3; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1978, WHB0048159 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1979), p 7; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1979, WHB0048160 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1980).
  129. Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605, pp 6–39.
  130. Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605, pp 6–39.
  131. Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, pp 15 and 16.
  132. Witness statement of Mr BZ, WITN0841001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2 September 2021), p 10.
  133. Witness statement of Mr BZ, WITN0841001, p 24.
  134. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 27 November 2021), paras 8–9.
  135. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001, para 9.
  136. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 19 March 2021), para 10.
  137. Department of Social Welfare, Directory of residential facilities for disturbed children in New Zealand, ACD0010422 (E. C. Keating, 9 July 1975), p 7.
  138. Department of Social Welfare, Directory of residential facilities for disturbed children, p 7.
  139. Letter from Craig Jackson to Hokio Beach School principal, ORT0000766_00036 (23 April 1971).
  140. Kohitere – Levin annual report 1971, ORT0002535_00052 (1971) p 5.
  141. Hokio Beach School annual report 1972, ORT0000338 (1972), p 4.
  142. Letter from Marek Powierza to Dr Selwyn Leeks, CRL0111437 (15 June 1972).
  143. These figures were calculated using information provided in Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605, pp 6–39.
  144. Evidential statement of Marek Powierza to New Zealand Police, NZP0005432_00013 (28 December 2008), p 4. Mr Powierza was interviewed as part of the police investigation into the sexual abuse allegations made against Mr John Drake.
  145. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 15 January 2021), para 17.
  146. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, para 17.
  147. Ministry of Social Development, Qualitative report understanding Kohitere, MSD0002846 (November 2009), p 165.
  148. Ministry of Social Development, Qualitative report understanding Kohitere, MSD0002846, p 168.
  149. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 March 2021), paras 8–9.
  150. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 9.
  151. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 49.
  152. Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605, pp 6–39.
  153. For example, Witness statement of Paul Zentveld, WITN0341001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 17 March 2021), para 72; Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 33.
  154. Witness statement of Sharyn Shepherd, WITN0282001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 16 March 2021), paras 32–109.
  155. Witness statement of Sharyn Shepherd, WITN0282001, paras 106–109.
  156. Witness statement of Robert Shannon, WITN0447001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 June 2021), paras 4.2.7–4.3.
  157. Witness statement of Robert Shannon, WITN0447001, para 4.2.13.
  158. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 May 2021), para 30.
  159. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, para 32.
  160. Letter from Dr WF Bennett to Dr Sydney Pugmire, CRL0044226_00104 (31 August 1978).
  161. Leeks, Curriculum vitae, p 3; Transcript of evidence of Victor Soeterik from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000371 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 June 2021), pp 658, 691.
  162. Royal Commission to Inquire into and Report upon Hospitals and Related Services, Stage II Psychiatric services, first submission, volume 1, CCH0003793 (Department of Health, 1972), p 32.
  163. Department of Health, Report of the Department of Health for the year ended 31 March 1969, p 119.
  164. Frazer, Treatment facilities in child psychiatry, Appendix 1: Local data in Wellington, pp 4–5.
  165. Frazer, Treatment facilities in child psychiatry, Appendix 1: Local data in Wellington, pp 2 and 10.
  166. Pugmire, S, Annual Report 1971: Lake Alice Hospital (Lake Alice Hospital, 1 February 1972), WHB0004614, p 3.
  167. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Mr Archer, MOH0000957_00058 (14 April 1972), p 3.
  168. For example, 59 tamariki and adolescents were admitted to Lake Alice from the child health clinic at Whanganui in 1971, see Pugmire, Annual Report 1971: Lake Alice Hospital, WHB0004614, p 5.
  169. Frazer, Psychiatric needs of disturbed social welfare children and adolescents, p 19.
  170. Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605, pp 6–39.
  171. Transcript of evidence of Paul Zentveld from the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit hearing, TRN0000395 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 24 June 2021), p 738, lines 1–2; Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, para 32.
  172. Pugmire, SL, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1978 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1979), WHB048159, p 7.
  173. Lake Alice admission register 1978, CRL0098157 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1978), p 3. His diagnosis is recorded as “308”, which is likely to be a reference to ‘hyperkinetic reaction of childhood’ under the second edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders II (DSM-II), which could be considered a precursor term for what is now called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  174. The Department of Health reported detailed ethnicity statistics on psychiatric patients at a national level, but these are not available for individual institutions such as Lake Alice.
  175. Brown, PG, An investigation of official ethnic statistics (occasional paper 5, Department of Statistics, 1983).
  176. Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605, paras 6–39.
  177. Ableism refers to the system of beliefs and practices that devalue and discriminate against disabled people.
  178. Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605, paras 6–39.
  179. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, paras 6–9.
  180. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, paras 6–7.
  181. File note from Dr Leeks regarding psychiatric assessment of Sarah Webster, WHB0008123 (3 September 1973).
  182. Witness statement of Sarah (Sunny) Webster, WITN0346001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 18 December 2021), para 25.
  183. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, para 9.
  184. Witness statement of Graham Lee, WITN0154001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 5 February 2021), para 26.
  185. Witness statement of Robyn Dandy, WITN0343001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 26 August 2021), para 13.
  186. Witness statement of Carmel McKee for Oranga Tamariki, ORT0025605, pp 6–39.
  187. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, pp 1, 3.
  188. “Lake Alice may cut back child patients”, Dunedin Evening Standard, NZP0000757_00016 (13 July 1977).
  189. Draft statement of Thomas Henricus van Arendonk to J Butterworth of the Investigation Bureau, CRL0040509_00006 (14 May 2001), p 2.
  190. Draft statement of Thomas Henricus van Arendonk, CRL0040509_00006.
  191. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 13.
  192. Lake Alice minute sheet: Note for file, MOE0000547 (15 August 1979), p 2.
  193. First witness statement of Craig William Collier, WITN0674001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 29 June 2021), para 9.
  194. Witness statement of Charles McCarthy, WITN0314001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 8 March 2021), para 38.
  195. Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 7 April 2021), para 40.
  196. Roigard, P, Record of interview with Charles (Jack) Glass, CRL0040509_00015 (Investigation Bureau, 12 December 2000), p 2.
  197. Gallen, R, Report on Lake Alice, CRL0008304 (Crown Law Office, 2001), paras 2–3.
  198. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 1.
  199. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 9.
  200. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 1.
  201. Leeks, S, Submission to inquiry on Hake Halo, CRL0044110 (16 February 1977), p 2.
  202. Butler, R, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, visiting child psychiatrist, Lake Alice Hospital, NZP0000774 (New Zealand Police, 27 June 1977), p 7.
  203. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 5
  204. In relation to this category of patients, Dr Leeks described them as being “in the neurotic realm who could not be managed either as Outpatients or, who lived too far away from an area which could give them assistance,” Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 5.
  205. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 5.
  206. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 6.
  207. Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, p 9.
  208. Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, p 9.
  209. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 3.
  210. Transcript of interview of Dr Selwyn Leeks by Ian Sinclair, CCH0028605 (Television New Zealand, 2006), p 4.
  211. Leeks, Submission to inquiry on Hake Halo, CRL0044110, p 2.
  212. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 10.
  213. Gallen, R, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035 (2001), para 2.
  214. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035, para 23.
  215. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 4.
  216. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 4.
  217. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 12.
  218. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 12.
  219. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 11.
  220. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 11.
  221. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 11.
  222. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 11.
  223. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice Incidents, CRL0044437_00035,para 23.
  224. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, AHP0000023 (22 December 2005), para 29.
  225. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, AHP0000023, para 29.
  226. Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, p 9.
  227. Ministry of Health, Use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in New Zealand: A review of efficacy, safety and regulatory controls (December 2004), p 10, health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/ect-review.pdf; American Psychiatric Association, What is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? (2019), www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/ect; Mayo Clinic, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) (12 October 2018), www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/electroconvulsive-therapy/about/pac-20393894.
  228. Ministry of Health, Use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in New Zealand, p 10; American Psychiatric Association, What is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?; Mayo Clinic, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
  229. Office of the Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services annual report 2018 and 2019 (Ministry of Health, March 2021), p 61, health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/office-director-mental-health-addiction-services-annual-report-2018-2019-apr21.pdf.
  230. Ministry of Health Use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in New Zealand, p 3, www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/ect-review.pdf.
  231. “Patients ‘face brain damage’ with ECT rules”, Stuff (31 January 2009), stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/archive/national-news/349819/Patients-face-brain-damage-with-ECT-rules; Therapy or torture? (Citizens Commission on Human Rights, 2019), www.cchr.org/ban-ect/watch/therapy-or-torture-the-truth-about-electroshock.html.
  232. Letter from Dr Garry Walter to Detective Superintendent Malcolm Burgess, Dr Leeks and Lake Alice, NZP0000003 (20 January 2009), p 5.
  233. Letter from Dr Garry Walter to Detective Superintendent Malcolm Burgess, NZP0000003, pp 6–7.
  234. J v Crown Health Financing Agency HC Wellington CIV-2000–485-876 (8 February 2008), para 76.
  235. Witness statement of Dr Richard Porter, WITN0809001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 August 2021), para 9.
  236. Opinion of Dr Garry Walter to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00144 (12 April 2001), p 9.
  237. Letter from Dr Garry Walter to Detective Superintendent Malcolm Burgess, NZP0000003, p 4.
  238. Opinion of Dr Gilmour McLachlan to Police, NZP0000791 (28 December 1977), p 3.
  239. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0011686 (22 December 1976), p 1.
  240. Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, para 16.
  241. Opinion of Dr Garry Walter to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00144, p 9.
  242. Transcript of evidence by Dr Selwyn Leeks for X v Selwyn Leeks, PSY0000731_00005 (Victoria County Court, 2 August 2006), p 186.
  243. Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, para 16.
  244. Transcript of interview of Dr Selwyn Leeks by Ian Sinclair, CCH0028605, p 2.
  245. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 3.
  246. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 4.
  247. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 3.
  248. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 3.
  249. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 4 April 2021), para 5.
  250. Letter from Dr Garry Walter to Detective Superintendent Malcolm Burgess, NZP0000003, p 4.
  251. Letter from Dr Garry Walter to Detective Superintendent Malcolm Burgess, NZP0000003.
  252. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, para 5.
  253. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, para 6.
  254. Judge Rotenberg Educational Center, Inc v United States Food and Drug Administration US Court of Appeal, WL 2799891 (July 62021), cadc.uscourts.gov/internet/opinions.nsf/C32A7577ED02127D8525870A00555511/$file/20–1087-1905079.pdf.
  255. United Nations Special Rapporteur, Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (A/HRC/22/53/Add.4, United Nations, 4 March 2013).
  256. Transcript of interview of Dr Selwyn Leeks by Ian Sinclair, CCH0028605, p 4.
  257. Transcript of interview of Dr Selwyn Leeks by Ian Sinclair, CCH0028605.
  258. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 4.
  259. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 8.
  260. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 4.
  261. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 5.
  262. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 4.
  263. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 5.
  264. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 6.
  265. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 7.
  266. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 3.
  267. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, AHP0000023, para 18.
  268. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, AHP0000023, para 22. We identified at least four examples of children for whom Dr Leeks recorded aversion therapy, but no ect, but whose nursing notes refer to them receiving ect; CRL125154, WHB0021786, WHB0010170 and CCH0010896.
  269. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, paras 19–20.
  270. Private session transcript of Roderick Small, RC-02449-Q2W3, CRM0014986 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 25 May 2021), p 54.
  271. Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 57.
  272. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 7.
  273. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002 (Grant Cameron Associates, 14 March 2002), para 35.
  274. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 14 April 2021), para 17.
  275. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 21 March 2021), para 19.
  276. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 20.
  277. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 25.
  278. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 22.
  279. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 13.
  280. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 10 March 2021), para 15.
  281. See Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 22 April 2021), para 15; Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 17.
  282. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 14.
  283. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 18.
  284. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 18.
  285. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 10 March 2021), para 28.
  286. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, para 30.
  287. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 30 March 2021), para 26.
  288. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 24. [1] Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 24.
  289. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 19.
  290. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 19.
  291. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, paras 24–25.
  292. Drawing by Mr EO, MSC0007943, p 2.
  293. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 11.
  294. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035, para 12.
  295. Statement of a survivor, NZP0000162 (17 December 2000), para 31.
  296. Statement of a survivor, NZP0000162.
  297. Statement of a survivor, NZP0000162.
  298. Statement of Rangi Wickliffe to Grant Cameron Associates, WITN0342002, para 49.
  299. Statement of Rangi Wickliffe to Grant Cameron Associates, WITN0342002, para 50.
  300. Statement of Rangi Wickliffe to Grant Cameron Associates, WITN0342002, paras 51–52.
  301. Drawing by Mr EO, MSC0007943, p 1.
  302. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 22.
  303. Transcript of private session of [GRO-B], CRM0005057 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 19 January 2021), p 8.
  304. Letter from Dr Garry Walter to Detective Superintendent Malcolm Burgess, NZP0000003, p 7.
  305. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 14.
  306. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 31.
  307. Drawing by Mr EO, MSC0007943, p 3.
  308. Codd, JA, Psychological service report, WITN0320002 (Department of Education, 10 April 1973).
  309. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 21.
  310. Transcript of evidence of Charles Symes from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000371 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 June 2021), p 622.
  311. Transcript of evidence of Charles Symes, TRN0000371, p 625.
  312. Transcript of evidence of Andrew Jane from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000372 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 24 June 2021), p 703.
  313. Witness statement of Denis Hesseltine, WITN0409001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 7 May 2021), para 133.
  314. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 133.
  315. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, paras 132–136.
  316. Transcript of evidence of Brian Stabb from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000392 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 21 June 2021), p 431.
  317. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 15.
  318. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 88.
  319. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 89.
  320. Transcript of evidence of Brian Stabb, TRN0000392, p 434.
  321. Transcript of evidence of Brian Stabb, TRN0000392, p 444.
  322. Transcript of evidence of Brian Stabb, TRN0000392, p 436.
  323. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, paras 98–99.
  324. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 100.
  325. Transcript of evidence of Brian Stabb, TRN0000392, p 435.
  326. Nursing notes of survivor, CRL0044442_00044 (11 August 1975), p 1.
  327. Letter from Dr Alan Frazer to M Howe, ORT0000460_00023 (20 September 1976), p 1.
  328. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 May 2021), paras 92 and 107.
  329. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001, para 100.
  330. Witness statement of Gloria Barr, WITN0118001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 25 September 2021), para 42.
  331. Witness statement of Gloria Barr, WITN0118001, para 37.
  332. Witness statement of Gloria Barr, WITN0118001, para 38.
  333. Witness statement of Gloria Barr, WITN0118001, paras 39–40.
  334. Transcript of evidence of Gloria Barr from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000369 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 21 June 2021), pp 516–517.
  335. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, para 54.
  336. Nursing notes of survivor, WHB0047367 (27 January 1975).
  337. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347 (New Zealand Police, undated), para 28.
  338. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347.
  339. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347.
  340. Notes of interview with Priscilla Leeks, CRL0044415_00117, (Crown Law, 15 May 2001), p 1.
  341. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, CRL0097628 (Lake Alice Hospital, 16 May 1977).
  342. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to the Central Ethical Committee of the New Zealand Medical Association, WITN0275010 (Palmerston North Hospital, 22 July 1977), pp 1–2.
  343. Witness statement of Victor Soeterik, WITN0393001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 20 April 2021), paras 104–105.
  344. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680 (22 December 1976).
  345. Transcript of interview of Dr Selwyn Leeks by Ian Sinclair, CCH0028605, p 3.
  346. Interview of Selwyn Leeks by Detective Sergeant Rob Butler, NZP0000764 (11 July 1977), p 2.
  347. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 26; Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, AHP0000023, para 23.
  348. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 16.
  349. Witness statement of Marty Brandt, WITN0336001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 3 February 2021), para 24; Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 29. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 15.
  350. Witness statement of a survivor [name and reference number removed for privacy] (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 August 2021), para 22.
  351. Witness statement of Marty Brandt, WITN0336001, para 24.
  352. Witness statement of Paul Zentveld, WITN0341001, para 96.
  353. Witness statement of a survivor [name and reference number removed for privacy] (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 August 2021), paras 28–29.
  354. Statement of Rangi Wickliffe to Grant Cameron Associates, WITN0342002, para 58.
  355. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 38.
  356. Statement of Mr CC to NZ Police, NZP0000234 (NZ Police, 29 September 2006), p 1.
  357. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002, para 52.
  358. Statement of Mr CC to NZ Police, NZP0000234, p 1.
  359. Statement of Mr CC to NZ Police, NZP0000234, p 2.
  360. Statement of Kevin Banks to NZ Police, NZP0000761 (NZ Police, 29 June 1977), p 4.
  361. Transcript of 20/20 episode of a recorded conversation between Selwyn Leeks and Kevin Banks, The Price of Pain, CRL0044438_00073 (30 September 2001), pp 9–10.
  362. Letter from Selwyn Leeks to New Zealand Medical Association Central Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00043 (22 July 1977), p 2.
  363. Drawings by Mr EO, MSC0007943, p 1.
  364. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 30.
  365. Statement of Mr EA to Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCH0010844 (21 February 2008), p 2.
  366. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, AHP0000023, para 23.
  367. Notes of interview with Priscilla Leeks, CRL0044415_00117, para 16.
  368. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, AHP0000023, para 26. We cannot confirm this because Ms Priscilla Leeks and Mr Terrence Conlan are both dead.
  369. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, AHP0000023, para 26.
  370. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, AHP0000023, para 26.
  371. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 106.
  372. Manawatu Standard Weekend Extra, “Called to account”, AHP0000004 (6 March 2004), p 7.
  373. Statement of Charles Symes to Citizens Commission on Human Rights, WITN0320008 (20 September 2008), pp 4–5.
  374. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, paras 44–45.
  375. Witness statement of Pete Rose, WITN0281001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 4 March 2021), para 42.
  376. Witness statement of Pete Rose, WITN0281001, para 43.
  377. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 20.
  378. Statement of Kevin Banks to Grant Cameron Associates, WITN0332005 (Grant Cameron Associates, 21 May 2001), para 81.
  379. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001, para 116.
  380. Statement of Steve Hunt to NZ Police, NZP0000767 (13 July 1977); Statement of Terry Conlan to NZ Police, NZP0000766 (29 July 1977), p 2.
  381. Statement of Steve Hunt to NZ Police, NZP0000767, p 2.
  382. Transcript of interview of Dr Selwyn Leeks by Ian Sinclair, CCH0028605, p 6.
  383. Mitchell, W, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, NZP0001451 (Government Printer, 18 March 1977), para 2.1; Witness statement of Dr John Werry, WITN0381001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 20 September 2021), paras 16–17.
  384. “Children may miss out on treatment at Lake Alice”, NZP0000792, Wanganui Chronicle (13 July 1977).
  385. McLachlan, D, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, NZP0000791, Prepared for New Zealand Police, (28 December 1977).
  386. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 5.
  387. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035, para 16.
  388. Transcript of evidence of Dr Barry Parsonson from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000389 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 16 June 2021), p 229.
  389. Witness statement of Dr Allan Mawdsley, WITN0131001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 October 2021), para 20.
  390. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, para 117.
  391. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, para 131–133.
  392. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, para 127.
  393. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, para 125.
  394. Letter from Dr Garry Walter to Detective Superintendent Malcolm Burgess, NZP0000003, p 8.
  395. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, para 121.
  396. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, para 115 and 137.
  397. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, paras 20 and 129.
  398. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, paras 118, 135.
  399. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, paras 137.
  400. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, paras 12 and 128.
  401. Witness statement of Dr Barry Parsonson, WITN0414001, para 123.
  402. Opinion of Dr Peter McGeorge, CRL0044155_00101 (15 September 1993); Opinion of Professor John Werry to ACC, CRL0044153_00028 (25 April 1995).
  403. Opinion of Dr Peter McGeorge, CRL0044155_00101, p 6; Opinion of Professor John Werry to ACC, CRL0044153_00028, p 6.
  404. Opinion of Dr Peter McGeorge to Ms Phillipa Cunningham, CRL0044155_00101, p 6.
  405. Psychiatric report by Professor JS Werry, CRL0044153_00028 (25 April 1995), p 6.
  406. Opinion of Dr Susan Perry on Mr DW, CRL0044150_00082 (1997, provided to Crown Law on 17 June 1998).
  407. Opinion of Dr Garry Walter to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00144, p 2.
  408. Opinion of Dr Garry Walter to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00144, p 2.
  409. Opinion of Dr Garry Walter to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00144, p 2.
  410. Opinion of Dr Garry Walter to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00144, p 2.
  411. Opinion of Dr Philip Brinded to Crown Law on survivor, CRL0044435_00144 (5 June 2011), p 11.
  412. Opinion of Dr Garry Walter to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00144, p 6.
  413. Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth to Crown Law on survivor, CRL0044333_00029 (5 March 2001), p 7.
  414. Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth to Crown Law on survivor, CRL0044333_00029, p 8.
  415. Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth to Crown Law on a survivor, CRL0044179_00091, p 5.
  416. Transcript of evidence of Dr Janice Wilson from Lake Alice child and adolescent unit hearing, TRN0000370 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 22 June 2021), p 556.
  417. Email from Dr Anthony Duncan to various people, CRL0044437_00063 (27 September 2001).
  418. Green, S, Letter to Malcolm Burgess: re police investigation into conduct at staff at Lake Alice Hospital child and adolescent unit during the 1970s, WITN0514028 (Citizens Commission on Human Rights New Zealand, 13 November 2007), p 1.
  419. Ellis, R, & Liddell, G, Lake Alice claims, CRL0044150_00026 (Crown Law Office, 4 February 1999).
  420. Notes for meeting with Dave Clarke re Lake Alice claims, written by Dr Anthony Duncan, CRL0044413_00161 (21 August 2000), p 1.
  421. Letter from Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson to Sonja Cooper, CRL0151648 (11 March 2009), pp 2–3.
  422. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035, para 11.
  423. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035, para 12.
  424. “ECT shock not used for punishing – psychiatrist”, CRL0115779, Evening Post (28 May 1977).
  425. Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, para 19.
  426. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000374 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 28 June 2021), p 877.
  427. Feint, K, & Maltby, J, Closing submissions for the Crown concerning the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit, MSC0007606 (Crown response to the Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 July 2021), para 9.3(a).
  428. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000374, p 855.
  429. Feint & Maltby, Closing submissions for the Crown, MSC0007606, para 9.3(b).
  430. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000374, p 877.
  431. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000374, p 878.
  432. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000374, p 878.
  433. Witness statement of Ms LL, WITN0349001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 24 November 2020), para 13.
  434. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B], RC-02436-M8B0, CRM0005057 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2021), p 4.
  435. Witness statement of Andrew Jane, WITN0319001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 April 2021), para 12.
  436. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 6.
  437. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, para 42.
  438. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 31.
  439. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 31.
  440. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 18.
  441. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, para 16.
  442. Witness statement of Debbie Dickson, WITN0322001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 April 2021), para 15.
  443. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 21 March 2021), para 32.
  444. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001, para 16.
  445. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001, para 16.
  446. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035, para 6.
  447. -
  448. -
  449. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, para 19.
  450. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, para 20.
  451. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 12.
  452. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 30.
  453. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 30.
  454. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, paras 30–31.
  455. Statement of Sharyn Collis to Grant Cameron Associates, WITN0344002 (Grant Cameron Associates, 7 July 1998), para 20.
  456. Ministry of Health, Report on the working party to advise on the development of a policy framework for maximum secure care of certain mentally disordered patients, MOH0001915 (1993), p 5.
  457. First witness statement of [GRO-B], WITN0311001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 March 2021), p 1.
  458. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to various psychiatric hospitals, including Lake Alice, WHB0026032 (Department of Health, 11 December 1979), pp 1–2.
  459. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to various psychiatric hospitals, WHB0026032, pp 2–4.
  460. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to various psychiatric hospitals, WHB0026032, p 1.
  461. First witness statement of [GRO-B], WITN0311001, p 2.
  462. First witness statement of [GRO-B], WITN0311001, p 2.
  463. First witness statement of [GRO-B], WITN0311001, p 1.
  464. Screenshot, One network news story (TVNZ, 29 October 1999).
  465. Witness statement of Anne Helm, WITN0135001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 13 October 2020), para 15.
  466. -
  467. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 44.
  468. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 44.
  469. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, Children in MSV, CRL0097824 (29 August 1977), p 2.
  470. Transcript of evidence from Lake Alice child and adolescent unit hearing, TRN0000391, pp 345–346.
  471. Screenshot from Dateline Monday story (Television New Zealand, 13 June 1977).
  472. Screenshot from Dateline Monday story.
  473. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Department of Social Welfare, GRO-B, ORT0000447_00039 (17 March 1975).
  474. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Department of Social Welfare, ORT0000447_00039.
  475. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Department of Social Welfare, GRO-B-1, ORT0000635_00035 (10 May 1976).
  476. Barnes, J, Report on GRO-B and his relations with women, WHB0017156 (3 April 1981), p 3.
  477. Letter from Minister of Health Frank Gill to Dr Oliver Sutherland, Admission of patient to maximum security unit at Lake Alice Hospital, ACD0006124 (14 September 1977).
  478. Letter from Minister of Health Frank Gill to Dr Oliver Sutherland, ACD0006124.
  479. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0019161 (21 September 1977).
  480. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0019161.
  481. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0019161.
  482. Affidavit of Graham Raymond Wheaton, CCH0009118 (5 May 1981), p 2.
  483. Affidavit of Graham Raymond Wheaton, CCH0009118, p 2.
  484. Affidavit of Graham Raymond Wheaton, CCH0009118, p 2.
  485. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, para 97.
  486. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, para 97.
  487. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to various people, Opinion on upgrading Villa 8, WHB0019040 (29 May 1975); Letter from Dr Pugmire to director-general of health, WHB0015518 (15 December 1967).
  488. Lake Alice Hospital, statement of need, WHB0015943 (1977), p 3.
  489. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001, para 60.
  490. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001, para 61.
  491. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001, para 61.
  492. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001, para 61.
  493. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 42.
  494. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 42.
  495. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 42.
  496. Witness statement of Marty Brandt, WITN0336001, para 25.
  497. Letter from Professor John Werry to Crown Law, Re: Lake Alice: Paraldehyde, CRL0044434_00112 (2 April 2001), p 1.
  498. Letter from Professor John Werry to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00112.
  499. Opinion of Dr Garry Walter to Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, Re: Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, NZP0001301_00006 (15 August 2005), p 6.
  500. Letter from Professor John Werry to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00112, p 1; Opinion of Dr Garry Walter to Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, Re: Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, NZP0001301_00006 (15 August 2005), p 6.
  1. Letter from Professor John Werry to Crown Law, CRL0044434_00112, p 1.
  2. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 25 March 2021), para 56.
  3. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B], CRM0014986 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 25 May 2021), pp 24–25.
  4. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 25.
  5. Statement of Leoni Frances McInroe on her experiences seeking redress, WITN0096001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 31 July 2020), para 25.
  6. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 33.
  7. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, para 33.
  8. Grant Cameron Associates record of nursing notes of Hake Halo, EXT0016380 (Grant Cameron Associates, 22 April 1976), p 4.
  9. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, para 58.
  10. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, para 21.
  11. Witness statement of Paul Zentveld, WITN0341001, para 22.
  12. Transcript of evidence of Hake Halo from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000364 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 15 June 2021), p 30.
  13. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 15.
  14. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 15.
  15. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 16.
  16. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 32.
  17. Nursing notes of Paul Zentveld, WITN0341008, (26 August 1974), p 4.
  18. Nursing notes of survivor, CRL0113531 (23 September 1974), p 2.
  19. Nursing notes of [GRO-B], WHB0003120 (25 September 1974), p 3.
  20. Grant Cameron Associates record of nursing notes of Hake Halo, EXT0016380, p 4.
  21. Nursing notes of [GRO-B], WHB0011320 (7 August 1976), p 2.
  22. Nursing notes of [GRO-B], CRL0129813 (19 October 1976), p 1.
  23. Nursing notes of [GRO-B], CRL0129967 (14 March 1977), p 1.
  24. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 107; Statement of Howard Lawrence, Crown Law, CRL0040509_00035 (5 December 2000), p 2; Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347, para 31.
  25. Statement of Dempsey Corkran, CRL0040509_00031 (5 December 2000), p 4.
  26. Statement of Denis Hesseltine, CRL0100023_00005 (9 March 2001), p 4.
  27. Statement of Sandy Homes, CRL0040509_00012 (1 February 2001), p 2; Statement of Ken Edney to Crown Law, CRL0040509_00014 (no date), p 1.
  28. Statement of Terry Conlan, CRL0040509_00008 (15 March 2001), pp 4–5.
  29. Statement of Al Scholes, CRL0040509_00013 (25 January 2001), p 3.
  30. Statement of Wayne Russell, CRL0040509_00026 (no date), p 2.
  31. Statement of George Rainey, CRL0040509_00036 (6 December 2000), p 2.
  32. Statement of Priscilla Leeks, CRL0040512_00021 (7 December 2000), p 3.
  33. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347, para 30.
  34. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347, para 34.
  35. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347, para 34.
  36. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347, para 34.
  37. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347, para 35.
  38. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347, para 36.
  39. Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347, para 36.
  40. Nursing notes of DM, WHB0047368 (6 February 1975); Nursing notes of Tyrone Marks, WHB0007648 (17 October 1973), p 1; Nursing notes of [GRO-B], WHB0047744 (20 July 1974), p 2; Nursing notes of [GRO-B], WHB0042385 (2 December 1974), p 4.
  41. Transcript of Terry Conlan interview with Victor Boyd, CCH0028610, p 9.
  42. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 114.
  43. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 108.
  44. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, paras 108–109.
  45. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 108.
  46. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 109.
  47. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 110.
  48. Witness statement of Denis Hesseltine, WITN0409001, paras 52–56; Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, paras 67–71; Affidavit of Terrence Conlan, NZP0000347, para 38.
  49. Witness statement of Gloria Barr, WITN0118001, para 43.
  50. Witness statement of Charles McCarthy, WITN0314001, para 50.
  51. Transcript of evidence of Victor Soeterik from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000394, pp 666 and 677.
  52. Letter from [GRO-B] to Dr Selwyn Leeks, CRL0044215_00045 (12 July 1976).
  53. Letter from [GRO-B] to Dr Selwyn Leeks, CRL0044215_00045, p 1.
  54. Letter from [GRO-B] to Dr Selwyn Leeks, CRL0044215_00045, p 1.
  55. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to [GRO-B], CRL0044215_00044 (19 July 1976).
  56. Nursing notes of IWB, CRL0044215_00014 (16 June 1976), p 2.
  57. Nursing notes of IWB, CRL0044215_00014 (15 July 1976), p 4.
  58. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Dr Sydney Pugmire, Use of paraldehyde, WHB0015074 (15 March 1977).
  59. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, Use of paraldehyde, WHB0015073 (23 March 1977).
  60. Memorandum from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Lake Alice Hospital staff, Use of tranquilizers in security unit Lake Alice hospital, WHB0014778 (3 July 1972), p 1.
  61. Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, p 9.
  62. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 2.
  63. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Dr Humphrey Gowland, NZP0000109_00013 (7 November 1977), p 2.
  64. Leeks, Submission to inquiry on Hake Halo, CRL0044110, p 3.
  65. Affidavit of Selwyn Leeks, CRL0100116, para 5.
  66. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 5.
  67. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 5.
  68. Dr Selwyn Leeks interview with The Evening Post, CRL0115779 (28 May 1977).
  69. Dr Selwyn Leeks interview with The Evening Post.
  70. Witness statement of Victor Soeterik, WITN0393001, paras 11–15.
  71. Witness statement of Victor Soeterik, WITN0393001, paras 66 and 76.
  72. Witness statement of Victor Soeterik, WITN0393001, para 66.
  73. Transcript of evidence of Victor Soeterik, TRN0000394, p 671.
  74. Memorandum from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0006342 (23 June 1976), p 1.
  75. Witness Statement of Victor Soeterik, WITN0393001, para 62.
  76. Witness statement of Denis Hesseltine, WITN0409001, para 83; Witness statement of Gloria Barr, WITN0118001, para 32.
  77. Witness statement of Roderick Small, WITN0366001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 October 2021), para 43.
  78. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, para 41.
  79. Witness statement of Steve Watt, WITN0035001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 30 April 2021), para 70.
  80. Witness statement of Amy-Sheree Weterman, WITN0318001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 16 April 2021), para 18.
  81. Witness statement of Ms LL to Grant Cameron Associates, WITN0349002 (Grant Cameron Associates, 3 May 2001), para 22.
  82. Statement of Roderick Small, WITN0366001, para 16.
  83. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 50.
  84. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 20; Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219002 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 February 2001), para 14.
  85. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 20.
  86. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 20.
  87. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, paras 73–74; Witness statement of Denis Hesseltine, WITN0409001, para 91.
  88. Keane, Notes of Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Nuiean Boy, MSC0007879 (February 1977), p 5.
  89. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, para 74.
  90. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002, para 25.
  91. This was the most frequently used term and was used by most staff we spoke to.
  92. Witness statement of Denis Hesseltine, WITN0409001, para 103; Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 121.
  93. Nursing notes of [GRO-B], CRL0136248 (Lake Alice Hospital, 18 November 1975), p 19; Record of Alan Hendrick’s nursing notes, WITN0316010 (9 July 1974), p 2.
  94. Keane, Notes of Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Nuiean Boy, MSC0007879, p 5.
  95. Rule 44 of the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Mandela Rules) defines solitary confinement as the confinement of prisoners for 22 hours or more a day without meaningful human contact.
  96. “Dumping ground for unwanted children, Scientologists say”, WHB0006718, Whanganui Chronicle (23 January 1976), p 2.
  97. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Riddiford, WHB0018968 (6 September 1973), p 2.
  98. Keane, Notes of Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Nuiean Boy, MSC0007879, p 5.
  99. Witness statement of Denis Hesseltine, WITN0409001, para 90.
  100. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 116.
  101. Nursing notes of a survivor, WHB0032046 (28 November 1974), p 1.
  102. Grant Cameron Associates record of nursing notes of Hake Halo, EXT0016380, p 5.
  103. Record of Alan Hendrick’s nursing notes, WITN0316010, p 2.
  104. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002, paras 52–56.
  105. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002, para 52.
  106. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002, paras 54.
  107. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002, para 56.
  108. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 62.
  109. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 63.
  110. For example, Witness statement of Paul Zentveld, WITN0341001, para 61.
  111. For example, Statement of Ms LL, WITN0349002 (Grant Cameron Associates, 30 May 2001), para 20.
  112. ‘Witness statement of Survivor [name and reference number removed for privacy] (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 August 2021)’.
  113. Statement of [GRO-B], CCH0011649 (30 November 2000), para 46.
  114. For example, Statement of Ms LL, WITN0349002, para 22.
  115. ‘Witness statement of Survivor [name and reference number removed for privacy] (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 August 2021)’.
  116. ‘Witness statement of Survivor [name and reference number removed for privacy] (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 August 2021)’.
  117. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, para 36.
  118. Statement of Ms LL, WITN0349002, para 19.
  119. Statement of Ms LL, WITN0349002, para 21.
  120. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035, para 22.
  121. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035, para 22.
  122. Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 51.
  123. Witness statement of EE, WITN0230001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 12 April 2021), para 29.
  124. Transcript of evidence of Victor Soeterik, TRN0000394, p 659.
  125. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, para 73.
  126. Statement of Howard Lawrence, NZP0000368 (3 September 2007), pp 1–2; Statement of Howard Lawrence, Crown Law, CRL0040509_00035, p 1.
  127. Statement of Howard Lawrence, NZP0000368, p 2.
  128. Witness Statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332005, (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 21 May 2021) para 48; Statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342002 para 24.
  129. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001, para 33.
  130. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001, para 16.
  131. Witness statement of Christopher Zaal, WITN0395001, paras 50–56.
  132. Witness statement of Christopher Zaal, WITN0395001, para 57.
  133. Witness statement of Christopher Zaal, WITN0395001, para 66.
  134. Statement of John Blackmore to New Zealand Police, NZP0000765 (13 July 1977).
  135. Statement of Mr CC to David Collins QC, WITN3023002 (no date), paras 28–30.
  136. Statement of Kevin Banks to Grant Cameron Associates, WITN0332005, para 51.
  137. Statement of Mr CC to David Collins QC, WITN3023002 (no date), para 29.
  138. Report of Dr Sydney Pugmire, ORT0000540_00027 (10 March 1974), p 2.
  139. Witness statement of Al Scholes, WITN0551001, para 126.
  140. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 126.
  141. For example, Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 35.
  142. Transcript of evidence of Rangi Wickliffe from Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit hearing, TRN0000388, (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2021), p 113.
  143. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, paras 33–35.
  144. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, para 37.
  145. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 34.
  146. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 33.
  147. Witness statement of Pete Rose, WITN0281001, para 48.
  148. Witness statement of Sharyn Shepherd, WITN0282001, paras 132–134.
  149. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 37.
  150. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 38.
  151. Witness statement of Ms CC, WITN3023001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 1 January 2021), para 7; Psychiatric examination of Mr CC by Dr Selwyn Leeks, WITN3023006 (Lake Alice Hospital, 16 June 1973).
  152. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 18.
  153. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 18.
  154. Nursing notes of Bryon Nicol, CRL0123851, (16 July to 20 December 1973), p 3.
  155. Nursing notes of Bryon Nicol, CRL0123851, p 3.
  156. Nursing notes of Bryon Nicol, CRL0123851, p 3.
  157. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 19.
  158. NZ Police summary of facts, NZP0001084 (29 April 1974), pp 9–12.
  159. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 80.
  160. Social worker note for file, ORT0000592_00009 (20 April 1976).
  161. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035, paras 6 and 24.
  162. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, para 20.
  163. Witness statement of Ms LL, WITN0349001, para 20.
  164. Letter from Iain Tennant to David Page, MOE0000585_00001 (26 October 1978), p 2.
  165. Witness statement of a charge nurse, WITN0176001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 22 March 2021), para 45.
  166. Medical note on Debbie Dickson by Dr Tisse Siriwardena, WITN0322008 (26 October 1978), p 2.
  167. Medical note on Debbie Dickson by Dr Tisse Siriwardena, WITN0322008 (9 November 1978), p 2.
  168. Witness statement of Debbie Dickson, WITN0322001, para 23.
  169. Letter from Iain Tennant to David Page, MOE0000585_00001, p 3.
  170. Letter from Iain Tennant to David Page, MOE0000585_00001, p 3.
  171. Letter from Iain Tennant to David Page, MOE0000585_00001, p 3.
  172. Pugmire, S, Submissions from the New Zealand Medical Association to the Department of Justice Working Party on Psychiatrically Disturbed Inmates and Remandees, WHB0020095 (New Zealand Medical Association, 1980), p 4.
  173. Pugmire, Submissions from the New Zealand Medical Association to the Department of Justice working party, WHB0020095, p 4.
  174. Hide, L, In plain sight: Open doors, mixed-sex wards and sexual abuse in English psychiatric hospitals, 1950s – early 1990s (Social History of Medicine, 2018), p 570.
  175. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, para 20.
  176. Witness statement of [GRO-A], WITN0900001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 November 2021), paras 1.5, 2.1, 4.3.3–4.3.4.
  177. Witness statement of [GRO-A], WITN0900001, paras 4.3.5–4.3.7.
  178. Report on patient written by Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0011378 (17 July 1978).
  179. Report on patient written by Dr Selwyn Leeks, CRL0120112 (11 May 1977).
  180. See, for example, Report on patient written by Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0011378 (17 July 1978).
  181. Pugmire, Submissions from the New Zealand Medical Association to the Department of Justice working party, WHB0020095, p 4.
  182. Pugmire, Submissions from the New Zealand Medical Association to the Department of Justice working party, WHB0020095, p 4.
  183. Witness statement of Mr BZ, WITN0841001, para 29.
  184. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 47.
  185. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002, para 52.
  186. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002, para 52.
  187. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001, para 35.
  188. Witness statement of Fred Rawiri, WITN0326001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 16 April 2021), para 26.
  189. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 41.
  190. -
  191. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001, para 37.
  192. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 92.
  193. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 92.
  194. Witness statement of Mr BZ, WITN0841001, para 29.
  195. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 41.
  196. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 31.
  197. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 4.
  198. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, pp 4–5.
  199. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 5.
  200. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 6.
  201. Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, para 56.
  202. Witness statement of Charles McCarthy, WITN0314001, para 35.
  203. Witness statement of Allan McLean, WITN1001001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 21 December 2021), para 24; Witness statement of Paul Kennedy, WITN1011001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 28 January 2022), para 24.
  204. Witness statement of Survivor, WITN0325001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 7 May 2021), para 71.
  205. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, paras 35–36.
  206. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001, para 10.
  207. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 66.
  208. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 41.
  209. Witness statement of Sharyn Shepherd, WITN0282001, paras 142–143.
  210. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 76.
  211. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 76.
  212. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 29.
  213. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 17.
  214. Witness statement of Robyn Dandy, WITN0343001, para 15.
  215. -
  216. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 46.
  217. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 46.
  218. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 35.
  219. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 36.
  220. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, paras 19–20.
  221. Witness statement of Anna Natusch, WITN0215001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 24 March 2021), para 57.
  222. Witness statement of Anna Natusch, WITN0215001, para 57.
  223. Feint, K, Closing submissions for the Crown concerning the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit: Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, transcript of proceedings, TRN0000398 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 29 June 2021), p 930.
  224. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001, para 16.
  225. -
  226. -
  227. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001, para 29.
  228. Witness statement of Mr EN, WITN0970001, paras 16 and 23.
  229. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 41.
  230. -
  231. -
  232. -
  233. Feint, Closing submissions for the Crown, TRN0000398, p 930.
  234. Witness statement of Charles McCarthy, WITN0314001, pp 6–7,
  235. Witness statement of Charles McCarthy, WITN0314001, pp 6–7.
  236. Witness statement of Wi Keelan, WITN0247001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 12 February 2021) p 9.
  237. Witness statement of Wi Keelan, WITN0247001, p 9.
  238. Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 25.
  239. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, paras 20 and 98.
  240. Transcript of evidence of Oliver Sutherland from the contextual hearing, TRN0000441 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2019), pp 33–34.
  241. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, para 30.
  242. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, para 62.
  243. Feint, Closing submissions for the Crown, TRN0000398, p 930.
  244. -
  245. -
  246. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, para 8.
  247. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, para 11.
  248. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, paras 13 and 21.
  249. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, para 98.
  250. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 7.
  251. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 7.
  252. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 8.
  253. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, paras 8 and 13.
  254. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, paras 13 and 16.
  255. Pugmire, S, Child health clinic: Psychiatric report [Mr JJ] of Marton, WITN0329003 (6 March 1970).
  256. Witness statement of Antony De Malmanche, WITN0310001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 20 March 2021), para 17.
  257. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 18.
  258. Witness statement of [GRO-A], WITN0900001, paras 2.1 and 4.3.2.
  259. Witness statement of Mr BZ, WITN0841001, para 10.
  260. Witness statement of Mr BZ, WITN0841001, para 10.
  261. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 6.
  262. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, para 33.
  263. Witness statement of Antony De Malmanche, WITN0310001, para 7.
  264. Witness statement of Antony De Malmanche, WITN0310001, para 19.
  265. Witness statement of Antony De Malmanche, WITN0310001, para 19.
  266. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, para 19.
  267. Witness statement of Mr DT, WITN0545001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 29 April 2021), paras 31, 32.
  268. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, para 13.
  269. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, paras 65–66.
  270. Witness statement of Mr BZ, WITN0841001, para 30.
  271. Witness statement of Antony de Malmanche, WITN0310001, para 39.
  272. Witness statement of Antony de Malmanche, WITN0310001, para 40.
  273. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 37.
  274. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 48.
  275. Witness statement of Mr DT, WITN0545001, para 49.
  276. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, paras 49–50.
  277. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, paras 75 and 83.
  278. Witness statement of BZ, WITN0841001, para 24.
  279. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, para 37.
  280. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 27.
  281. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 18.
  282. Witness statement of BZ, WITN0841001, para 14.
  283. Witness statement of Mr DT, WITN0545001, para 17.
  284. Witness statement of Mr DT, WITN0545001, para 42.
  285. Witness statement of Mr DT, WITN0545001, para 18.
  286. Witness statement of Mr DT, WITN0545001, para 18.
  287. Witness statement of Mr DT, WITN0545001, para 20.
  288. Witness statement of Steve Watt, WITN0035001, paras 56–57.
  289. Bunn, AH, Letter from Department of Social Welfare to Dr Selwyn Leeks, ORT0000506_00002 (28 April 1975), p 1; Discharge summary, ORT0000506_00017 (1 July 1976).
  290. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to the parents of survivor, WHB0048169_00007 (19 October 1972).
  291. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to the Department of Social Welfare about [GRO-B], WHB0041880 (24 September 1976).
  292. Leeks, Lake Alice: The ‘sturm and drang’ of an adolescent unit, p 3.
  293. Leeks, S, Patients receiving ECT and aversion therapy at Lake Alice from the inception through to 1974, NZP0046957 (19 July 1977), p 4.
  294. Nursing notes of [GRO-B], CRL0136248 (Lake Alice Hospital, 23 September 1975), p 19.
  295. Nursing notes of [GRO-B], CRL0136248 (Lake Alice Hospital, 18 November 1975), p 19.
  296. Melleril was a first-generation antipsychotic medication used in the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis until it was withdrawn in 2005.
  297. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr John Dobson, WHB0004903 (19 September 1974).
  298. File note by G Schmidt (social worker) regarding Mr CC, WITN3023010 (19 October 1978).
  299. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to unknown regarding history of Mr CC, WITN3023010 (16 March 1974), p 1.
  300. Witness statement of Sharyn Shepherd, WITN0282001, para 132.
  301. Witness statement of Sharyn Shepherd, WITN0282001, para 143.
  302. Witness statement of Anne Helm, WITN0135001, para 34.
  303. File note by M Sumich on [GRO-B], ORT0000324_00010 (Department of Social Welfare, 20 December 1972); Letter from Dr Leeks to Marek Powierza, ORT0000324_00016 (8 March 1973).
  304. Letter from Steve Hunt to John Drake, ORT0000324_00007 (Lake Alice Hospital, 18 December 1972).
  305. Letter from M Sumich to Christchurch office of Department of Social Welfare, ORT0000324_00012 (Department of Social Welfare, 19 January 1973), p 1.
  306. Letter from M Sumich to Christchurch office of Department of Social Welfare, ORT0000324_00012, p 1.
  307. Letter from M Sumich to Christchurch office of Department of Social Welfare, ORT0000324_00012, p 1.
  308. Letter from M Sumich to Christchurch office of Department of Social Welfare, ORT0000324_00012, pp 1–2.
  309. Letter from John Hills to principal of Holdsworth School, ORT0000324_00012 (Department of Social Welfare, 25 January 1973), p 2.
  310. Letter from John Hills to principal of Holdsworth School, ORT0000324_00012, p 2.
  311. Letter from John Hills to principal of Holdsworth School, ORT0000324_00012, p 2.
  312. Letter from Marek Powierza to Christchurch office of the Department of Social Welfare, CRL0121502 (Department of Social Welfare, 26 February 1973), para 3.
  313. Letter from Marek Powierza to Christchurch office of the Department of Social Welfare, CRL0121502, para 4.
  314. Letter from Marek Powierza to Christchurch office of the Department of Social Welfare, CRL0121502, para 4.
  315. Letter from Marek Powierza to Christchurch office of the Department of Social Welfare, CRL0121502, para 4.
  316. File note by Marek Powierza on [GRO-B], ORT0000324_00005 (Department of Social Welfare, 22 November 1972).
  317. File note by Marek Powierza, ORT0002236_00068, (Department of Social Welfare, 24 January 1973), p 3.
  318. Letter from Dr Leeks to the principal of Holdsworth School, ORT0000471_00016 (12 April 1973).
  319. File note by Marek Powierza, ORT0002236_00068, p 3.
  320. File note by Marek Powierza, ORT0002236_00068, p 3.
  321. Letter from John Drake to Hastings office of Department of Social Welfare, ORT0000471_00017 (2 May 1973).
  322. Frost, L, Medical report on a State ward or child for the time being in the care of the director-general, ORT0000471_00026 (Department of Social Welfare, 22 February 1974).
  323. Affidavit of a Holdsworth teacher, CCH0001163 (Citizens Commission on Human Rights, 20 December 1977), paras 4–6.
  324. File note by social worker on [GRO-B], ORT0000329_00013 (Department of Social Welfare, 22 March 1973).
  325. File note by social worker on Rangi Wickliffe, ORT0000477_00022 (Department of Social Welfare, 9 August 1973).
  326. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, para 32.
  327. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, paras 7 and 17.
  328. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, para 17.
  329. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, para 22.
  330. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035, para 28.
  331. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, paras 23, 34.
  332. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, para 25.
  333. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, para 25.
  334. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, para 25.
  335. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, para 34.
  336. Witness statement of John Watson, WITN0028001, para 37.
  337. Letter from Dr Jim Methven to director-general of the Department of Social Welfare, CRL0097985 (Department of Health, 18 May 1976), p 1.
  338. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035, para 23; Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0306001, para 56; Witness statement of Mr EK, WITN0448001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2 August 2021), para 5.10.
  339. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0306001, paras 57–61.
  340. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0306001, para 62.
  341. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0306001, paras 67–68; Witness statement of Mr EK, WITN0448001, para 5.10.
  342. Witness statement of Mr EK, WITN0448001, para 5.10.
  343. Witness statement of Jill Winsor, WITN0353001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 25 September 2021), paras 54–55; Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, paras 44–46.
  344. Witness statement of Alan David Cruise-Johnston, WITN0234001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 20 May 2021), para 27.
  345. Witness statement of Alan David Cruise-Johnston, WITN0234001, para 29.
  346. Witness statement of Alan David Cruise-Johnston, WITN0234001, para 28.
  347. Witness statement of Dal Janes, WITN0379001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 30 August 2021), para 28.
  348. Witness statement of Dal Janes, WITN0379001, para 28.
  349. Witness statement of Dal Janes, WITN0379001, para 29.
  350. Witness statement of Anthony Edward Sutherland, WITN0029001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 20 October 2020), para 19.
  351. Witness statement of Anthony Edward Sutherland, WITN0029001, para 18.
  352. Witness statement of Anthony Edward Sutherland, WITN0029001, para 18.
  353. Witness statement of Anthony Edward Sutherland, WITN0029001, para 18.
  354. Witness statement of a teacher, WITN0361001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 15 March 2021), para 21.
  355. Witness statement of a teacher, WITN0361001, paras 21 and 22.
  356. Witness statement of a teacher, WITN0361001, para 32.
  357. Witness statement of a teacher, WITN0242001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 February 2021), para 19.
  358. Witness statement of a teacher, WITN0242001, paras 16 and 19.
  359. Witness statement of a teacher, WITN0242001, para 24.
  360. Witness statement of Anna Natusch, WITN0215001, para 90.
  361. Witness statement of Anna Natusch, WITN0215001, para 91.
  362. Witness statement of Anna Natusch, WITN0215001, para 97.
  363. Witness statement of Anna Natusch, WITN0215001, para 49.
  364. Department Inspectors of Schools, Report on Lake Alice Hospital school, MOE0000591 (Department of Education, 25 February 1977), p 2.
  365. Lake Alice school report card for CM, ORT0000530_00026 (22 August 1975).
  366. Witness statement of Craig William Collier, WITN0674001, para 14.
  367. Letter from Craig Jackson to Rod Sinclair, MOE0000617 (Department of Education, 15 December 1976).
  368. Letter from Iain Tennant to David Page, MOE0000585_00001, pp 2–3.
  369. Email from Tony Davies to various Ministry of Education employees, MOE0000631 (Ministry of Education, 30 March 1999); Craig Jackson interview with Mike Wesley-Smith, MSC0007742 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2019), p 3.
  370. Email from Tony Davies to various Ministry of Education employees, MOE0000631; Craig Jackson interview with Mike Wesley-Smith, MSC0007742, pp 7–8.
  371. Email from Tony Davies to various Ministry of Education employees, MOE0000631.
  372. Letter from Craig Jackson to Rod Sinclair, MOE0000617.
  373. Letter from Craig Jackson to Rod Sinclair, MOE0000617.
  374. Brent Evitt interview with Don Brown, GCA0000114 (Grant Cameron Associates, 9 October 1998), p 1.
  375. Brent Evitt interview with Don Brown, GCA0000114, p 1.
  376. Brent Evitt interview with Don Brown, GCA0000114, p 1.
  377. Brent Evitt interview with Don Brown, GCA0000114, p 2.
  378. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Don Brown, WHB0004126 (Lake Alice Hospital, 11 November 1974), p 1.
  379. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Don Brown, WHB0004126, p 1.
  380. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Don Brown, WHB0004126, p 2.
  381. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Don Brown, WHB0004126, p 2.
  382. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Don Brown, WHB0004126, p 3.
  383. Email from Jennifer Pomeroy to various, CRL0024161 (15 June 2007).
  384. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Don Brown, WHB0004126, p 3.
  385. Citizens Commission on Human Rights, What is the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)? (no date), http://www.cchr.org/about-us/what-is-cchr.html (accessed 17 July 2022).
  386. “Dumping ground for unwanted children, Scientologists say”, p 1.
  387. “Dumping ground for unwanted children, Scientologists say”, p 2.
  388. “Dumping ground for unwanted children, Scientologists say”, p 2.
  389. Transcript of evidence of Dr Oliver Sutherland and Dr Ross Galbreath from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000364 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 14 June 2021), p 49.
  390. Witness statement of Oliver Sutherland, WITN0136001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 March 2021), paras 9–10.
  391. Witness statement of Oliver Sutherland, WITN0136001, paras 14–16.
  392. Powles, G, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, Mr CD, against the Department of Health and the Department of Social Welfare, CRL0099908 (Office of the Ombudsman, 5 April 1977), paras 13–23.
  393. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 23.
  394. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 23.
  395. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, paras 23–26.
  396. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 24.
  397. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 27.
  398. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 30.
  399. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, paras 23–26.
  400. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 31.
  401. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 61.
  402. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 61.
  403. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 32.
  404. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 34.
  405. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 34.
  406. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 34.
  407. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 34.
  408. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 35.
  409. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 44.
  410. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 41.
  411. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 42.
  412. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 42.
  413. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 42.
  414. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 42.
  415. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 42.
  416. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 45.
  417. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 46.
  418. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 46.
  419. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 47.
  420. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 47.
  421. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 47.
  422. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 48.
  423. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 48.
  424. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 48.
  425. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 49.
  426. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, paras 49–50.
  427. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 54.
  428. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 54.
  429. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, paras 53-54.
  430. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 82.
  431. He wrote that the ECT treatments, especially the unmodified ones, “fell below what I would regard as a minimum standard of desirability within the context of ‘exceptional circumstances’”: Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 77.
  432. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 80.
  433. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 81.
  434. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 81.
  435. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 61.
  436. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 81.
  437. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 83.
  438. First witness statement of Lyn Fry, WITN0146001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 18 December 2020), para 21.
  439. First witness statement of Lyn Fry, WITN0146001, para 28.
  440. First witness statement of Lyn Fry, WITN0146001, paras 40–42.
  441. Trickett, P, “Boy’s shock treatment raises protest”, ACD0007766, New Zealand Herald (15 December 1976).
  442. Staff reporter, “Shock therapy case inquiry”, ACD0006055_00050, New Zealand Herald (22 December 1976).
  443. Memorandum to Minister of social welfare, ORT0000656_00060, ORT0000656_00061 (Department of Social Welfare, 16 December 1976).
  444. Memorandum to Minister of social welfare, ORT0000656_00067 (Department of Social Welfare,17 December 1976), p 1.
  445. Staff reporter, “Shock therapy case inquiry”, ACD0006055_00050.
  446. Letter from Dr John Werry to Minister of social welfare Bert Walker, ORT0000656_00078 (30 November 1976).
  447. Letter from Minister of social welfare to Dr John Werry, ORT0000656_00079 (31 January 1977).
  448. Letter from Minister of social welfare to Dr John Werry, ORT0000656_00079.
  449. Letter from Minister of social welfare to Dr John Werry, ORT0000656_00079.
  450. Witness statement of Dr John Werry, WITN0381001, para 15. Dr Werry was critical of Dr Leeks’ conduct for many decades, as is clear from his 1995 report on Ms Leoni McInroe.
  451. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, pp 2–3.
  452. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy.
  453. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 21.
  454. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 21.
  455. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 23.
  456. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, pp 15–16.
  457. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 19.
  458. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 36.
  459. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 36.
  460. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, pp 26–31.
  461. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 22.
  462. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 23.
  463. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 23.
  464. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 23.
  465. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 24.
  466. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 24.
  467. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 25.
  468. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 25.
  469. Letter from Dr Alan Frazer to M Howe, ORT0000460_00023, p 2.
  470. Letter from RL Marshall to Invercargill office of the Department of Social Welfare, ORT0000441_00039 (Department of Social Welfare, 20 January 1977), p 1.
  471. Nursing notes of Bryon Nicol, CRL0123851.
  472. “Health department cleared – director”, NZP0009548_00047, The Evening Post (20 May 1977).
  473. “Lake Alice inquiry leaves doubts”, ACD0006055_00080, New Zealand Herald (21 May 1977).
  474. “Shock treatment used as punishment, says labour member”, NZP0009548_00018, Parliamentary Reporter (1977).
  475. “ECT shock not used for punishing – psychiatrist”; “Commission on ECT use not needed, Government decides”, NZP0009540, Dunedin Evening Star (28 May 1977), p 17.
  476. “Commission on ECT use not needed”, p 17.
  477. “Commission on ECT use not needed”, p 17.
  478. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Dr John Pearce, WHB0012326 (27 May 1977).
  479. “Child psychiatrist in defence of ECT”, ACD0006055_00106, The Dominion (12 July 1977).
  480. “Child psychiatrist in defence of ECT”.
  481. “Child psychiatrist in defence of ECT”.
  482. Job sheet of Detective Sergeant Rob Butler, discussion with Dr Stanley Mirams, NZP0000768 (6 July 1977), p 3.
  483. “Changes at Lake Alice”, NZP0000792, Wanganui Herald (13 July 1977), p 1.
  484. File note by D. G. Berry (social worker) regarding boy at Lake Alice, ORT0000528_00040 (26 July 1977), p 1; Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Whanganui director of Department of Social Welfare, ORT0000528_00038 (23 August 1977).
  485. Nursing notes, WHB0007411 (31 August 1977), p 2.
  486. Transcript of interview of Dr Selwyn Leeks by Ian Sinclair, CCH0028605, p 4.
  487. Roigard, P, Record of interview: Priscilla Hellena Leeks, CRL0040509_00021 (Investigation Bureau Ltd, 7 December 2000), p 3.
  488. Leeks, Curriculum vitae, p 3.
  489. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 1 June 2021), para 340.
  490. Notice of formal hearing, APH0000013 (Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, 26 June 2006).
  491. Stoney, I, Letter from the Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria to Grant Cameron Associates, GCA0000104 (Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, 20 July 2006).
  492. Dr Sara Lucas, neuropsychological assessment of Dr Leeks, April 2021, cited in Minute 18 – Natural Justice, Dr Leeks (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 November 2021), p 3 - 4.
  493. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 23.
  494. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 48.
  495. Witness statement of Marty Brandt, WITN0336001, para 2.
  496. Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 77.
  497. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu: From Redress to Puretumu Torowhanui (vol 1, 2021) pp 90-132.
  498. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 51.
  499. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 31.
  500. Durie, M, “A Māori perspective of health”, Social Science & Medicine 20, no 5 (1985), pp 483485, p 483.
  1. Health Navigator New Zealand, Te whare tapa whā and wellbeing (2021), www.healthnavigator.org.nz/healthy-living/t/te-whare-tapa-wh%C4%81-and-wellbeing.
  2. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 60.
  3. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 64.
  4. Witness statement of Leota Dr Lisi Kalisi Petaia, WITN0659001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 12 July 2021), para 50, citing Pulotu-Endemann K, Fonofale Model of Health (2001).
  5. United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, article 25; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 25(1).
  6. Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons (adopted 9 December 1975, United Nations General Assembly resolution 344); United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, article 23(4).
  7. Office for Disability Issues, New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016–2026 (Ministry of Social Development, 2016), outcome 8; Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons; Donald Beasley Institute, My experiences, my rights: A monitoring report on disabled people’s experiences of health and wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand (Monitoring Long Report, New Zealand Disabled People’s Organisations Coalition, 2022).
  8. Paterson, et al, He ara oranga, p 9.
  9. United Nations Special Rapporteur, Report of the special rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health (A/HRC/44/48, United Nations General Assembly, 2020).
  10. Witness statement of Mary O’Hagan from the contextual hearing, WITN1243001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 14 October 2019), para 8.
  11. Paterson, et al, He ara oranga, p 9.
  12. Stanley, The road to hell; Sutherland, O, Justice and race: Campaigns against racism and abuse in Aotearoa New Zealand (Steele Roberts, 2020).
  13. Durie, M, Whaiora: Māori health development (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1994) in Thorp, K, Looking at Dance through Te Whare Tapa Wha Model (University of Cape Town, 2011), ch 2, pp 20-33.
  14. Durie, Whaiora: Māori health development.
  15. Durie, Whaiora: Māori health development.
  16. Pulotu-Endermann, FK, Fono fale model of health (September 2001), https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/actionpoint/pages/437/attachments/original/1534408956/Fonofalemodelexplanation.pdf?1534408956 (accessed 29 August 2022).
  17. Witness statement of Debbie Dickson, WITN0322001, para 37.
  18. Witness statement of Mr CC, WITN3023002, paras 70–74.
  19. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, para 77.
  20. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, para 91.
  21. Waitangi Tribunal, Hauora: Report on stage one of the Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai 2575, Legislation Direct, 2019), p 35.
  22. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 46.
  23. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 62.
  24. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 47.
  25. Ngata, RS, Understanding matakite: A kaupapa Māori study on the impact of matakite/intuitive experiences on wellbeing (PhD thesis, Massey University, 2014), https://mro.massey.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10179/8299/02_whole.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y> (accessed 29 August 2022), p 180.
  26. Ngata, Understanding matakite, p 180.
  27. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 47.
  28. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 47.
  29. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 48.
  30. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 59.
  31. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 59.
  32. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 52.
  33. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 52.
  34. Executive functioning has three parts: working memory (being able to keep and use information over a short period), inhibitory control (filtering thoughts and impulses), and cognitive or mental flexibility (adjusting to changed demands, priorities or perspectives). These skills help people achieve academic or career success, support social interactions and help in everyday activities: Diamond, A, “Executive functions”, Annual review of psychology 64 (2013), pp 135–168. doi: 10.1146/annurev-psych-113011-143750. Epub 2012 Sep 27. PMID: 23020641; PMCID: PMC4084861.
  35. World Health Organization, Mental health: Strengthening our response (17 June 2022). www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/mental-health-strengthening-our-response (accessed 12 September 2022).
  36. Social and environmental factors include individuals’ access to adequate housing, education and employment, the quality of their relationships, and their sense of meaning and purpose.
  37. Witness statement of Ms LL, WITN0349001, para 48.
  38. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 54.
  39. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 49.
  40. Witness statement of Steve Watt, WITN0035001, para 128.
  41. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, para 17.
  42. -
  43. Witness statement of Robert Shannon, WITN0447001, paras 4.2.11, 5.1.3.
  44. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 54.
  45. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035, para 46; Witness Statement of Andrew Jane, WITN0319001, para 34.
  46. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 41.
  47. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, para 39.
  48. Witness statement of Charles Symes WITN0320001, para 18.
  49. Witness statement of Pete Rose, WITN0281001, para 36.
  50. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B], RC-02062-C0N2, CRM0010731 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2020), p 55.
  51. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 46.
  52. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 54.
  53. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B] CRM0005057, RC-02436-M8B0 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 19 January 2021), Part 2, p 5.
  54. Witness statement of Andrew Jane, WITN0319001, para 36.
  55. Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 71.
  56. Witness statement of Antony de Malmanche, WITN0310001, para 97; Witness statement of Susan Kenny, WITN0378001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 15 July 2021), para 155.
  57. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 43; Witness Statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 75.
  58. Witness statement of Steve Watt, WITN0035001, para 133; Witness statement of Pete Rose, WITN0281001, para 56.
  59. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, pp 37–38.
  60. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, pp 37–38.
  61. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, pp 37–38.
  62. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 38.
  63. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 38.
  64. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 60.
  65. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 58.
  66. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 80.
  67. Witness statement of Robyn Dandy, WITN0343001, para 36.
  68. Witness statement of [GRO-A], WITN0733001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 10 March 2021), para 7.
  69. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 21.
  70. Transcript of evidence of Charles Symes, TRN0000371, p 622.
  71. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 42.
  72. Witness statement of Antony de Malmanche, WITN0310001, para 72.
  73. Witness statement of Amy-Sheree Weterman, WITN0318001, para 22.
  74. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, paras 43–48.
  75. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 42.
  76. Statement of Kevin Banks to Grant Cameron Associates, WITN0332005, para 239.
  77. Statement of Hake Halo to Grant Cameron Associates, EXT0016380 (Grant Cameron Associates, 14 March 2002), paras 74–77.
  78. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 15.
  79. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 53.
  80. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 53.
  81. Witness statement of Charles Symes, WITN0320001, para 15.
  82. Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 78.
  83. Witness statement of Paul Zentveld, WITN0341001, para 113.
  84. Witness statement of Paul Zentveld, WITN0341001, para 115.
  85. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B], RC-02510-B4P4, CRM0009296 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 26 January 2021), pp 6 and 22.
  86. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B], RC-02510-B4P4, CRM0009296, p 22.
  87. Witness statement of Marty Brandt, WITN0336005, paras 25 and 39.
  88. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 82.
  89. Witness statement of Amy-Sheree Weterman, WITN0318001, para 13.
  90. Witness statement of Amy-Sheree Weterman, WITN0318001, para 13.
  91. Witness statement of Amy-Sheree Weterman, WITN0318001, para 13.
  92. Witness statement of Amy-Sheree Weterman, WITN0318001, para 13.
  93. Witness statement of Amy-Sheree Weterman, WITN0318001, para 13.
  94. Witness statement of Andrew Jane, WITN0319001, para 34.
  95. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B], CRM0010731, p 59.
  96. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 50.
  97. Transcript of private session with Sherron Sunnex, CRM0010223, p 7.
  98. Waitangi Tribunal, He pāharakeke, he rito whakakīkīnga whāruarua, p 185, citing Tauri J, “Explaining recent innovations in New Zealand’s criminal justice system: Empowering Māori or biculturalising the state?”, Australian & New Zealand journal of criminology 32, no 2 (1999).
  99. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, para 57.
  100. Witness statement of Survivor, WITN0327001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 July 2021), para 91.
  101. Witness statement of Andrew Jane, WITN0319001, para 34.
  102. Witness statement of Survivor, WITN0325001, para 86.
  103. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 41.
  104. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 41.
  105. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 42.
  106. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 43.
  107. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 43.
  108. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, paras 94–95.
  109. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, paras 58–59.
  110. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B], CRM0004055, pp 19–20.
  111. Witness statement of George Siebelink, WITN0328001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 March 2021), para 56.
  112. -
  113. -
  114. Witness statement of Debbie Dickson, WITN0322001, para 30.
  115. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 51.
  116. Witness statement of Amy-Sheree Weterman, WITN0318001, para 37.
  117. Witness statement of George Siebelink, WITN0328001, para 46.
  118. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 30.
  119. Elder, H, Tuku iho, he tapu te upoko. From our ancestors, the head is sacred. Indigenous theory building and therapeutic framework development for Māori children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury (Massey University, 2012).
  120. -
  121. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B], CRM0014986, p 57.
  122. Transcript of private session with [GRO-B], CRM0014986, p 5.
  123. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, para 88.
  124. Transcript of evidence of Leota Dr Lisi Kalisi Petaia for Tulou Our Pacific Voices hearing TRN0000404, (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 26 July 2021), p 394.
  125. Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 81.
  126. Medical Council of New Zealand, A resouce booklet prepared for the Medical Council of New Zealand by Mauri Ora Associates- Best health outcomes for Pacific peoples: Practice implications MCO0000023 (May 2010), p 11.
  127. Witness statement for Leota Dr Lisi Kalisi Petaia, WITN0659001, para 117.
  128. Witness statement for Leota Dr Lisi Kalisi Petaia, WITN0659001, para 35.
  129. Witness statement of Leota Scanlon, WITN0355001, para 55.
  130. Witness statement of Leota Dr Lisi Kalisi Petaia, WITN0659001, paras 54 and 68.
  131. Annandale, M, and Instone, A, Sei tapu, o le ala o le ola (draft evaluation report of the national certificate in mental health prepared for the Mental Health Support Workers Advisory Group, 2004).
  132. Witness statement of Hake Halo, WITN0363001, paras 4–5, 62, 76–77 and 100.
  133. For example, Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 37.
  134. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 54.
  135. Transcript of evidence of Tyrone Marks, TRN0000388, p 105.
  136. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219002, para 31.
  137. Witness statement of Survivor, WITN0325001, paras 87 and 88.
  138. Witness statement of Pete Rose, WITN0281001, para 73.
  139. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 47.
  140. Witness statement of Andrew Jane, WITN0319001, para 30.
  141. Witness statement of Andrew Jane, WITN0319001, paras 30 and 31.
  142. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 47.
  143. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 48.
  144. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 48.
  145. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 94.
  146. Baidawi & Sheehan, 2019; Stanley, 2016a, 2016c; Lowenstein, 2018.
  147. Blakemore et al, 2017; Soares et al, 2019.
  148. Witness statement of Fred Rawiri, WITN0326001, paras 29–30.
  149. Witness statement of Fred Rawiri, WITN0326001, para 39.
  150. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, Care to custody incarceration rates (2022), p 12.
  151. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, Care to custody incarceration rates, p 9.
  152. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, Care to custody incarceration rates, p 4.
  153. Witness statement of Rangi Wickliffe, WITN0342001, paras 58 and 65.
  154. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 57.
  155. Law Commission, Māori custom and values in New Zealand law (study paper 9, 2001), p 32, citing Williams, HW, Dictionary of the Māori Language (7th edition, Legislation Direct, 1971), p 172.
  156. “Mana”, Te aka Māori dictionary (no date), https://maoridictionary.co.nz/search?idiom=&phrase=&proverb=&loan=&histLoanWords=&keywords=Mana (accessed 12 September 2022).
  157. Law Commission, Māori custom and values in New Zealand law, p 33, citing Marsden, M, Te mana o te hiku o te ika (Wai 45: doc A7, 1986).
  158. Meads, H M, Tikanga Māori: Living by Māori values (Huia Publishers, 2003), p 29.
  159. Waitangi Tribunal, Report of the Waitangi Tribunal on the Manukau Claim (Government Printing Office, 1985), p 67; Waitangi Tribunal, Report of the Waitangi Tribunal on the Orakei Claim (Brooker & Friend, 1987), p 186.
  160. Witness statement of Leoni McInroe, WITN0096002, para 5.
  161. Witness statement of Peter Henaghan, WITN0340001, (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 March 2021), 2021, para 48.
  162. Witness statement of Alan Hendricks, WITN0316001, para 49.
  163. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 40.
  164. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 40.
  165. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 40.
  166. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 50.
  167. Witness statement of Tyrone Marks, WITN0293035, para 42.
  168. Witness statement of Sarah (Sunny) Webster, WITN0346001, paras 151–153.
  169. Peterson, et al, He ara oranga, p 62.
  170. Witness statement of Debbie Dickson, WITN0322001, para 22.
  171. Witness statement of Debbie Dickson, WITN0322001, para 22.
  172. Witness statement of Robyn Dandy, WITN0343001, para 40.
  173. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 50.
  174. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 50.
  175. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 50.
  176. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 51.
  177. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vols 1 and 2).
  178. Donald Beasley Institute, Tell me about you, p 130.
  179. Transcript of evidence of Philip Knipe from the State redress inquiry hearing, TRN0000016 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 19 October 2020), p 34.
  180. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu, (vol 1).
  181. Waitangi Tribunal, He pāharakeke, he rito whakakīkīnga whāruarua.
  182. Waitangi Tribunal, Ko Aotearoa tēnei, p 602.
  183. Gassin, Māori mental health, p 10.
  184. During our institutional response hearing, the Ministry of Health acknowledged that during the 1950s to 1970s children were placed in psychiatric hospitals for “reasons that would not be acceptable today”. See Brief of evidence of Dr Diana Sarfati on behalf of the Ministry of Health for institutional response hearing, (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 17 August 2022), para 2.8.9.
  185. Dalley, Family matters, pp 178–181.
  186. Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 5.
  187. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 32.
  188. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 32.
  189. Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, para 62.
  190. Witness statement of Walton Mathieson-Ngatai, WITN0441001, para 30.
  191. Letter from Brian Hollis to the director regarding Mr JJ, WITN0329007 (5 June 1973), p 2.
  192. The Dominion, ”Psychiatrist Stands by Shock Decision”, 12 July 1977, cited in Operation Lake Alice, NZP0000314 (29 June 2001), pp 6 and 7.
  193. Brief of evidence of Dr Diana Sarfati on behalf of the Ministry of Health, WITN2004001 (8 August 2022), para 2.8.5.
  194. Brief of Evidence of Dr Diana Sarfati, WITN2004001, para 2.8.8.
  195. Witness statement of Mary O’Hagan from the contextual hearing, CRM0007340 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 14 October 2019), p 5.
  196. United Nations Special Rapporteur, Report of the special rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, paras 27 and 29.
  197. Brief of evidence of Dr Diana Sarfati, WITN2004001, para 2.8.9.
  198. Donald Beasley Institute, Tell Me About You, p 190.
  199. “Like being hit on the head with a sledgehammer”, The Herald (20 December 1976).
  200. Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, A report on the impacts of the Lake Alice psychiatric hospital, p 46.
  201. Transcript of evidence of Dr Moana Jackson from the contextual hearing, TRN0000425 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 June 2021), p 231.
  202. Savage, C, Moyle, P, Kus-Harbord, L, et al, Hāhā-uri, hāhā-tea: Māori involvement in State care 1950–1999 (prepared by Ihi Research for Crown Secretariat to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2021), p 181.
  203. Savage, et al, Hāhā-uri, hāhā-tea, p 138.
  204. Brief of evidence of Dr Diana Sarfati, WITN2004001, para 4.
  205. Submission by Dr Sydney Pugmire to Parliament on the Crimes Amendment Bill (concerning homosexual law reform), WHB0018991 (2 December 1974), p 2.
  206. Pugmire, S, Teacher! Send that teenager to the doctor! MOE0000611 (no date), p 5.
  207. Pugmire, Teacher! Send that teenager to the doctor! p 5.
  208. Submission by Dr Sydney Pugmire to Parliament on the Crimes Amendment Bill, WHB0018991.
  209. Submission by Dr Sydney Pugmire to Parliament on the Crimes Amendment Bill, WHB0018991, p 2.
  210. See Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, Child sexual abuse in healthcare settings (2020), p 15.
  211. Mental Health Act 1969, section 42.
  212. Mental Health Act 1969, section 19.
  213. Mental Health Act 1969, section 15.
  214. Mental Health Act 1969, section 15.
  215. The Mental Health Act 1969, the Guardianship Act 1968 and legislation governing the role of the Department of Social Welfare as guardian of a young person.
  216. Originally, children were placed under the guardianship of the superintendent of the child welfare branch of the Department of Education. The Department of Social Welfare Act 1971 established the Department of Social Welfare and role of director-general. We looked at the position of director-general under both the Child Welfare Act 1925 and Children and Young Persons Act 1974.
  217. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son. The ombudsman considered the circumstances of an adolescent who had been admitted to Lake Alice three times through three different processes. The ombudsman found “serious legal procedural irregularities” with each admission. During the patient’s final admission, he was under the guardianship of the director-general. The ombudsman observed (p 31): “Parliament’s primary purpose in enacting the Children and Young Persons legislation was to keep children and young persons under notice outside of the courtroom where possible and therefore, diversion from penal and mental institutions in the majority of cases.”
  218. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, p 30.
  219. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 61(a)-(b).
  220. Director-General of Social Welfare, Report to the Minister of Social Welfare regarding children and young person requiring psychiatric treatment, MOH0000745_00038 (12 September 1977), para 4.
  221. Director-General of Social Welfare, Report to the Minister of Social Welfare, para 5.
  222. Director-General of Social Welfare, Report to the Minister of Social Welfare, para 5.
  223. Feint, K, Closing submissions for the Crown concerning the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit MSC0007606 (Crown response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 July 2021), paras 2.53-2.54 and 2.59.
  224. Guardianship Act 1968, section 3. Custody is further defined as “the right to possession and care” of their child.
  225. When a child was under control of the superintendent or director-general under an agreement with their parents: section 12(2) of the Child Welfare Act 1925 and section 11(3) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1974.
  226. Feint, K, Closing submissions for the Crown, MSC0007606, para 1.3.
  227. Department of Education, Child Welfare Division, Social Workers’ Manual 1970, ORT0000777 (1970), p 273.
  228. Department of Education, Child Welfare Division, Social Workers’ Manual 1970, ORT0000777 (1970), p 273.
  229. Department of Education, Child Welfare Division, Social Workers’ Manual 1970, ORT0000777 (1970), p 273.
  230. Dawson, J, Opinion concerning the law governing admission, detention and treatment of young people at the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit, 1972-1978, MSC0007863 (Prepared for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, March 2022), pp 12–13.
  231. Mental Health Act 1969, section 15(1).
  232. Mental Health Act 1969, section 15(1).
  233. Department of Education, Child Welfare Division, Social Workers’ Manual 1970, ORT0000777 (1970), pp 350-363 , p 353.
  234. Department of Education, Child Welfare Division, Social Workers’ Manual 1970, ORT0000777 (1970), pp 350-363 , p 353.
  235. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0019044 (16 December 1976).
  236. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Dr Sydney Pugmire, CRL0097626 (15 June 1977).
  237. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, para 3.4.
  238. Leeks, S, Submission to inquiry on Hake Halo, CRL0101391 (16 February 1977), p 4.
  239. Thompson, S, Letter from Dr SH Thompson to Dr Selwyn Leeks, ORT0000616 (17 April 1972).
  240. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Dr SH Thompson, ORT0000616_00128 (14 April 1972).
  241. Permission for electrical treatment form, WHB0007235 (6 May 1972).
  242. Letter from SL Pugmire (medical superintendent) to SWF Mirams (director-general, Department of Health), Consent to treatment, CRL0044425_00081 (22 December 1976), p 1.
  243. Barker, R, Memorandum, ORT0000655_00064 (Department of Health, 25 May 1977).
  244. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, para 4.2.
  245. Barker, Memorandum, ORT0000655_00064.
  246. Witness statement of Alan David Cruise-Johnston, WITN0234001, para 25.
  247. Pugmire, S, To: Patient’s Affairs, WHB0016123 (Lake Alice Hospital, 28 June 1977).
  248. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, CRL0044425_00042 (23 June 1977), p 1.
  249. Department of Education, Child Welfare Division, Social Workers’ Manual 1970, ORT0000777 (1970), p 281.
  250. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-A] in connection with their son, para 79.
  251. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-A] in connection with their son, p 25.
  252. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to director-general of health, CRL0097457 (22 June 1977), p 1.
  253. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Mrs Nicol, CRL0097467 (17 June 1977).
  254. Donald Beasley Institute, Tell me about you, p 23.
  255. Brief of evidence of Dr John Adrian Crawshaw on behalf of the Ministry of Health for institutional response hearing, WITN0757002 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 8 August 2022), para 2.5.
  256. Transcript of evidence of Philip Knipe, TRN0000016, pp 34, 67.
  257. Transcript of evidence of Dr Brigit Mirfin-Veitch from the contextual hearing, TRN0000419 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 1 November 2019), p 19.
  258. Donald Beasley Institute, Tell me about you, p 124.
  259. Witness statement of Dr Allan Mawdsley, WITN0131001, para 17.
  260. Witness statement of Kevin John McKenna, WITN00197001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2021), para 19.
  261. Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, para 58.
  262. Prebble, Ordinary men and uncommon women, p 193.
  263. Prebble, Ordinary men and uncommon women, p 242.
  264. Witness statement of Anna Natusch, WITN0215001, para 7.
  265. Witness statement of Anna Natusch, WITN0215001, para 10.
  266. Lake Alice Annual Report 1975, MOH0000724_00009 (Lake Alice Hospital, date) p 3-4.
  267. Lake Alice Hospital-Statement of Need, WHB0015943 (undated), p 2-3.
  268. Lake Alice Hospital-Statement of Need, WHB0015943, p 3.
  269. First witness statement of Craig McDonald, WITN0160001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 December 2020), para 30.
  270. Palmer, D, The role of organisational culture in child sexual abuse in institutional contexts (Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, 2016); Wardhaugh, P, & Wilding, P, “Towards an explanation of the corruption of care”, Critical social policy 13, no 37 (July 1993), pp 4–31; Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Final report: Nature and cause (vol 2, 2017).
  271. Prebble, Ordinary men and uncommon women, p199.
  272. Department of Health, Ethics and rules of conduct for staff, WHB0006293 (1972), General Regulations, section 3.
  273. Pugmire, S, Internal Lake Alice staff circular, WHB0016077 (Lake Alice Hospital, 31 May 1976).
  274. Pugmire, Internal Lake Alice staff circular, WHB0016077.
  275. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, paras 48 and 69.
  276. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, paras 48 and 69.
  277. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, paras 67 and 69.
  278. See section 2.1.6 Complaints of boys referred to Holdworth School – Mr Powierza’s response to complaint by Mr EG.
  279. Letter from Herbert Hiddlestone (director-general of health) to Dr Pugmire, Staffing of psychiatric facilities and services, WHB0015557 (5 March 1974), p 3.
  280. Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1977, MOH0000724_00003 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1978), p 1; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1976, MOH0000724_00005 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1977), p 1; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1975, MOH0000724_00009 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1976), p 2; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1974, MOH0000724_00016 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1975), p 2; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1973, MOH0000724_00019 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1974), p 2; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1972, MOH0000724_00024 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1973), p 2; Pugmire, S, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1971, WHB0004621 (Lake Alice Hospital, 1972).
  281. Pugmire, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1972, p 1.
  282. Prebble, Ordinary men and uncommon women, (p 199): “The term ‘dirty work’ was first used by Everett Hughes in 1951 and further developed in 1958 to refer to occupations … considered … physically, socially, or morally degrading or disgusting. These occupations are not intrinsically ‘dirty’ but carry the social construction of ‘dirtiness’.”
  283. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 44.
  284. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 12.
  285. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001.
  286. Pugmire, Annual report Lake Alice Hospital 1971, WHB0004613, p 2.
  287. Witness statement of John Corkran, WITN0392001, para 11.
  288. Witness statement of Charles McCarthy, WITN0314001, paras 13–14.
  289. Witness statement of Charles McCarthy, WITN0314001, paras 11–12.
  290. -
  291. Department of Health, Report of the Department of Health for the year ended 31 March 1973, MOH0000240 (A. R. Shearer, 1973), p 87.
  292. Pugmire, S, Internal Lake Alice staff circular, CRL0097873 (Lake Alice Hospital, 31 May 1976), p 2.
  293. Leeks, Submission to inquiry on Hake Halo, CRL0101391.
  294. Pugmire, Internal Lake Alice staff circular, CRL0097873, p 2.
  295. Leeks, Submission to inquiry on Hake Halo, CRL0101391, p 1; Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Selwyn Leeks, CRL0097856 (3 March 1977), p 5; Pugmire, Internal Lake Alice staff circular, CRL0097873, p 1.
  296. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0019043 (21 June 1976).
  297. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0006332 (6 July 1976).
  298. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0006332.
  299. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Selwyn Leeks, WHB0006330 (15 July 1976).
  300. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Selwyn Leeks, WHB0006330.
  301. Trickett, P, “Like being hit on the head with a sledgehammer”, ACD0006055_00062, New Zealand Herald (20 December 1976).
  302. Trickett, “Like being hit on the head with a sledgehammer”.
  303. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, p 29.
  304. Department of Health, Letter from director of mental health at Department of Health, Dr Mirams, to medical superintendents of psychiatric hospitals, CRL0099870 (19 July 1977).
  305. Letter from Minister of Health to Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CRL0097707 (21 February 1977).
  306. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 15.
  307. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680, pg 1, 3.
  308. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680, pg 4.
  309. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680, pg 4.
  310. Statement of Thomas Henricus van Arendonk made to J Butterworth of the Investigation Bureau, CRL0040509_00006 (14 May 2001), p 2.
  311. This is discussed further, later in this chapter in the section about the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, at pg 203 – 209.
  312. Witness statement of Denis Hesseltine, WITN0409001, para 88.
  313. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 40.
  314. Witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398001, para 40.
  315. Correspondence between Malcolm Burgess (detective superintendent) and Dr Garry Walter about ECT, Ectonus therapy and aversion therapy, NZP0000003 (20 January 2009), para 14.
  316. Correspondence between Malcolm Burgess (detective superintendent) and Dr Garry Walter, NZP0000003, para 13.
  317. Mental Health Act 1969, section 51(a).
  318. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 33.
  319. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 41.
  320. Paul Zentveld quoted in Citizens Commission on Human Rights submission to United Nations Committee against Torture, CRL0008297_00005 (10 July 2017).
  321. Transcript of evidence of Paul Zentveld, TRN0000395, p 740.
  322. Second witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398002 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2021), paras 10–13.
  323. Transcript of evidence of Brian Stabb, TRN0000392, p 424.
  324. Second witness statement of Brian Stabb, WITN0398002, para 9.
  325. Evidence of Oliver Sutherland and transcript from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000387 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 14 June 2021), p 48.
  326. Witness Statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, para 69.
  327. Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, para 52.
  328. Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, para 52.
  329. Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, para 52.
  330. Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, para 65.
  331. Witness statement of Brian Hollis, WITN0229001, para 66.
  332. Witness statement of Ms EE, WITN0230001, paras 35–36.
  333. Witness statement of Ms EE, WITN0230001, paras 50–51.
  334. Witness statement of Ms EE, WITN0230001, para 60.
  335. Witness statement of Ms EE, WITN0230001, para 52.
  336. Mental Defectives Act 1911.
  337. Mental Health Act 1969, sections 5 and 56–65.
  338. Department of Health, Review of the Mental Health Act 1969: Discussion papers (1984), pp 90–91, www.moh.govt.nz/notebook/nbbooks.nsf/0/23E0DEF68DF843CE4C2565D70018AA3F/$file/review-of-the-mental-health-act-1969.pdf.
  339. Mental Health Act 1969, sections 57(3) and 58(1).
  340. Department of Health, Review of the Mental Health Act 1969, p 89.
  341. Dawson, J, “‘Fundamental rights’ and the mentally disabled”, Otago Law Review 6, no 2 (1986), pp 292–305.
  342. Mental Health Act 1969, section 56(1).
  343. Mental Health Act 1969, section 56(4).
  344. Mental Health Act 1969, section 57(2).
  345. Mental Health Act 1969, section 56(4).
  346. Mental Health Act 1969, section 57(1).
  347. Mental Health Act 1969, section 57(3).
  348. Mental Health Act 1969, section 60.
  349. Review of the Mental Health Act 1969, discussion papers prepared by the Mental Health Review Working Party, Department of Health Wellington, December 1984, p 93.
  350. Taggart, M, Report to the Ministry of Health on the offices of the director of mental health, district inspector & director of area mental health services, (Ministry of Health, 1997), para 14.4, www.moh.govt.nz/notebook/nbbooks.nsf/0/A745E6D317F21ED4CC256C38007FEE87/$file/report%20to%20ministry%20of%20health.pdf
  351. Taggart, Report to the Ministry of Health, para 19.5.
  352. Department of Health, Review of the Mental Health Act 1969, p 95.
  353. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0031590 (17 October 1977).
  354. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0031590 p 1.
  355. Letter from [GRO-B] to ‘The Editor’ of The Truth paper, WHB0015162 (no date), pp 11–12.
  356. Letter from [GRO-B] to ‘The Editor’, WHB0015162.
  357. Note from Dr Sydney Pugmire, CCH0002758 (25 August 1975) p 3.
  358. Note from Dr Sydney Pugmire, CCH0002758 (9 September 1975) p 8.
  359. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0019007 (17 October 1975).
  360. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0015139 (2 October 1975) p 1-2.
  361. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0015139 p 1.
  362. Letter from Official Visitor SG Laurenson to Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0015137 (27 October 1975).
  363. Powles, G, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, Mr CD, against the Department of Health and the Department of Social Welfare, CRL0099908 (Office of the Ombudsman, 5 April 1977).
  364. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy.
  365. Ombudsman Act 1975
  366. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean boy, p 3.
  367. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Dr Sydney Pugmire, WHB0019046 (28 January 1977).
  368. Witness statement of Hon PJ Keane, WITN1153001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 11 April 2021), p 6.
  369. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, paras 10–11.
  370. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Dr Sydney Pugmire, CRL0099274 (22 December 1976).
  371. Letter from Dr Rod Barker to ombudsman, MOH0000744_00111 (Ministry of Health, 7 February 1977).
  372. Letter from Dr Rod Barker to ombudsman, MOH0000744_00111.
  373. Letter from Dr Rod Barker to ombudsman, MOH0000744_00111.
  374. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, p 4 para 11.
  375. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, p 4 para 11.
  376. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, paras 10 and 11.
  377. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680.
  378. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680.
  379. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680.
  380. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680.
  381. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680.
  382. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680.
  383. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, WHB0011680.
  384. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Selwyn Leeks, WHB0020426 (3 March 1977).
  385. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Selwyn Leeks, WHB0020426.
  386. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 7.
  387. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, para 7.
  388. Powles, Report on the complaint of Mr and Mrs [GRO-B] in connection with their son, paras 7 and 8; State Services Commission, Notice SSC 20/1/0//84, PBS0000398 (13 April 1977), p 136.
  389. Letter from Michael Doolan to director-general of social welfare, ORT0005548_00002 (Department of Social Welfare, 8 February 1977), para 2.
  390. Letter from Michael Doolan to director-general of social welfare, ORT0005548_00002.
  391. Letter from Michael Doolan to director-general of social welfare, ORT0005548_00002, para 7.
  392. Response of William Mitchell to Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, WITN1002001 (10 December 2021).
  393. Letter from Craig Jackson to Rod Sinclair, MOE0000617; Letter from Rod Sinclair to Craig Jackson, MOE0000618 (Department of Education, 17 December 1976).
  394. Transcript of evidence of Oliver Sutherland and Ross Galbreath from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000387 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 14 June 2021), p 58, lines 9–15; Witness statement of Dr Oliver Sutherland, WITN0136001, para 37.
  395. Witness statement of Dr Oliver Sutherland, WITN0136001, para 37.
  396. Transcript of evidence of Oliver Sutherland and Ross Galbreath, TRN0000387, p 58, lines 15–25; Witness statement of Dr Oliver Sutherland, WITN0136001, para 37.
  397. Witness statement of Dr Oliver Sutherland, WITN0136001, para 38.
  398. “Shock equipment taken from unit”, ACD0006055_00092, New Zealand Herald (14 May 1977), single unnumbered page.
  399. “Shock equipment taken from unit”, ACD0006055_00092, single unnumbered page.
  400. Witness statement of Dr Oliver Sutherland, WITN0136001, para 40; Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to commissioner of NZ Police, NZP0000794 (14 June 1977).
  401. “Commission on ECT use not needed, Government decides”, NZP0009540, Dunedin Evening Star (28 May 1977), p 17.
  402. “Commission on ECT use not needed”, p 17.
  403. File notes of Gordon Vial, NZP0000782, (2 June 1977).
  404. File notes of Gordon Vial, NZP0000782, pp 1–2.
  405. File note of Gordon Vial NZP0000779, NZP0000782, pp 2–5.
  406. File note of Gordon Vial, NZP0000779, NZP0000782, pp 3–6.
  407. File note of Gordon Vial on conversation with Mr EB, NZP0000782 (20 June 1977), pp 8–9.
  408. File notes of Gordon Vial on conversation with Mr EB, NZP0000782, pp 8–9.
  409. Mirams, S, Allegation of misuse of ECT and ECT equipment at Lake Alice Hospital, NZP0000795 (19 May 1977).
  410. Thompson, K, Allegations of ill-treatment of patients in the adolescent unit at Lake Alice Hospital, NZP0000797 (New Zealand Police, 15 June 1977), p 2.
  411. Thompson, Allegations of ill-treatment of patients, p 3.
  412. Thompson, Allegations of ill-treatment of patients, p 1–2.
  413. Notes of comments by Dr Selwyn Leeks, visiting child psychiatrist, Lake Alice Hospital, NZP0000774 (29 June 1977).
  414. Leeks, Patients receiving ECT and aversion therapy at Lake Alice from the inception through to 1974, NZP0046957.
  415. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 4.
  416. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 5.
  417. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, p 5., pp 4–5.
  418. Butler, Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000774, pp 5 and 7.
  419. Switch messages from Detective Senior Sergeant Butler to Detective Inspector Mitten, NZP0001419 (New Zealand Police, 6 July 1977), p 4.
  420. Butler, R, Job sheet, NZP0000764 (New Zealand Police, 11 July 1977), p 1.
  421. Butler, Job sheet, NZP0000764, p 1.
  422. Butler, Job sheet, NZP0000764, p 2.
  423. Butler, R, Job sheet, NZP0000766 (New Zealand Police, 29 July 1977), p 2; Butler, R, Job sheet, NZP0000767 (New Zealand Police, 13 July 1977).
  424. Butler, Job sheet, NZP0000766, p 2.
  425. Butler, Job sheet, NZP0000766, p 2.
  426. Butler, Job sheet, NZP0000766. Mr Hunt gives a similar account: Hunt, S, Job sheet, NZP0000767 (New Zealand Police, 13 July 1977).
  427. Butler, Job sheet, NZP0000766, p 2.
  428. Butler, R, Investigation report, NZP0000762 (New Zealand Police, 10 August 1977), p 4.
  429. Butler, Investigation report, p 5.
  430. Butler, Investigation report, p 5.
  431. Butler, R, Lake Alice Hospital, Marton: Allegations of ill treatment of patients in adolescent unit by administration of electro convulsive therapy and/or electric aversion therapy, NZP0000762 (New Zealand Police, 10 August 1977), p 6.
  432. Butler, Lake Alice Hospital, Marton: Allegations of ill treatment, p 7.
  433. Butler, Lake Alice Hospital, Marton: Allegations of ill treatment, p 15.
  434. Trendle, N, Lake Alice Hospital: Allegations of ill-treatment by staff, NZP0000804 (New Zealand Police, 12 September 1977), pp 1–2.
  435. Trendle, Lake Alice Hospital: Allegations of ill-treatment by staff, p 2.
  436. Trendle, Lake Alice Hospital: Allegations of ill-treatment by staff, p 2.
  437. Trendle, Lake Alice Hospital: Allegations of ill-treatment by staff, p 5.
  438. Walton, B, Lake Alice Hospital: Allegations of ill-treatment by staff, NZP0000783, (New Zealand Police, 14 September 1977), p 1.
  439. McLachlan, D, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry.
  440. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 8.
  441. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 3.
  442. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 3.
  443. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 4.
  444. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 5.
  445. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 5.
  446. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 6.
  447. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 6.
  448. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, pp 5–6.
  449. “No crime at Lake Alice, but …”, CRL0044156_00075, The Auckland Star (28 January 1978).
  450. Switch messages from Detective Senior Sergeant Butler to Detective Inspector Mitten, NZP0001419, p 4.
  451. Butler, Lake Alice Hospital, Marton: Allegations of ill-treatment, p 5; Trendle, Lake Alice Hospital: Allegations of ill-treatment by staff, p 1; McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 3.
  452. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Dr Selwyn Leeks, NZP0000786 (Department of Health, 16 May 1977), pp 2–3; Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Dr Stanley Mirams, NZP0000786 (Palmerston North Hospital, 17 May 1977), p 1.
  453. Butler, Lake Alice Hospital, Marton: Allegations of ill-treatment, p 7.
  454. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 5.
  455. McLachlan, Report on Lake Alice Hospital enquiry, p 4.
  456. Witness statement of Survivor, WITN0805001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 August 2021); Witness statement of Anne Hall, WITN080001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 9 August 2021).
  457. Witness statement of Mike Ferriss, WITN0502003 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 30 June 2022), para 22.
  458. Witness statement of David Dunbar, WITN0276002 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 22 April 2021), para 11.
  459. Medical Practitioners Act 1968, section 3; Witness statement of David Dunbar, WITN0276002, para 13.
  460. Witness statement of Associate Professor John Allan, WITN0210039 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 3 May 2021), para 1.
  461. Witness statement of Associate Professor John Allan, WITN0210039, para 3.
  462. Medical Practitioners Act 1968, section 40.
  463. Medical Practitioners Act 1968, section 43.
  464. Medical Practitioners Act 1968, section 43.
  465. Medical Practitioners Act 1968, section 11.
  466. Medical Practitioners Act 1968, sections 43, 55 and 56.
  467. Medical Practitioners Act 1968, section 56.
  468. Medical Practitioners Act 1968, section 58.
  469. Medical Practitioners Act 1968, section 58.
  470. Letter from Dr Sydney Pugmire to Dr Stanley Mirams, CRL0044320_00022 (Lake Alice Hospital, 30 May 1977).
  471. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Ethical Committee of New Zealand Medical Association, MCO0000004_00083 (Department of Health, 22 June 1977), p 2; Dr Stanley Mirams, notes of interview with Kevin Banks, MCO0000004_00084 (Department of Health, 16 June 1977).
  472. Dr Stanley Mirams, notes of interview with Kevin Banks, MCO0000004_00084.
  473. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00083.
  474. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00083.
  475. Dr Stanley Mirams, notes of interview with Kevin Banks, MCO0000004_00084.
  476. Dr Stanley Mirams, notes of interview with Kevin Banks, MCO0000004_00084.
  477. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to ethical committee, MCO0000004_00083.
  478. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00083.
  479. Letter from Dr Stanley Mirams to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00083.
  480. Dr Stanley Mirams, notes of interview with Kevin Banks, MCO0000004_00084.
  481. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to ethical committee of New Zealand Medical Association, MCO0000004_00081 (Palmerston North Hospital, 22 July 1977).
  482. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081.
  483. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081, pp 1–2.
  484. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081, p 2.
  485. Letter from Dr Bill Pryor to Dr Selwyn Leeks, MCO0000004_00080 (New Zealand Medical Association, 26 August 1977).
  486. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081.
  487. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081, pp 1–2.
  488. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081, p 2.
  489. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081, pp 1–2.
  490. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081, p 2.
  491. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to ethical committee, MCO0000004_00081, pp 1–2.
  492. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081, pp 1–2.
  493. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Ethical Committee, MCO0000004_00081, pp 1–2.
  494. Letter from Dr Caudwell to secretary of New Zealand Medical Council, WITN0275011 (New Zealand Medical Association, 19 September 1977). The association also enclosed copies of correspondence related to another complaint that Dr Leeks was involved in that was being investigated by the Disciplinary Committee.
  495. Letter from Dr Humphrey Gowland to Dr Selwyn Leeks, WITN0275013 (New Zealand Medical Council, 3 November 1977).
  496. Letter from Dr Humphrey Gowland to Dr Selwyn Leeks, WITN0275013.
  497. Notice under section 56(2)(a) of the Medical Practitioners Act 1956, WITN0275014 (New Zealand Medical Council, 3 November 1977).
  498. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Penal Cases Committee of New Zealand Medical Council, NZP0000109_00013 (Palmerston North Hospital, 7 November 1977).
  499. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Penal Cases Committee, NZP0000109_00013.
  500. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Penal Cases Committee, NZP0000109_00013.


  1501. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Penal Cases Committee, NZP0000109_00013.

  1. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Penal Cases Committee, NZP0000109_00013.
  2. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to Penal Cases Committee, NZP0000109_00013.
  3. Letter from Professor John Roberts to New Zealand Medical Council, CRL0008279_00011 (Wellington Hospital Board, 18 November 1977), p 2.
  4. Letter from Professor John Roberts to New Zealand Medical Council, CRL0008279_00011, p 2.
  5. Letter from Professor John Roberts to New Zealand Medical Council, CRL0008279_00011, pp 2–3.
  6. Letter from Professor John Roberts to New Zealand Medical Council, CRL0008279_00011, pp 2–3.
  7. Letter from Professor John Roberts to New Zealand Medical Council, CRL0008279_00011, p 3.
  8. Letter from Professor John Roberts to New Zealand Medical Council, CRL0008279_00011, p 3.
  9. Letter from Tania Turfrey (registrar of the Medical Council) to Medical Council, CCH0012816, (17 July 2006), pg 3.
  10. Letter from Dr Selwyn Leeks to New Zealand Medical Council, MCO0000004_00153 (Palmerston North Hospital, 15 December 1977).
  11. Transcript of evidence of Aleyna Hall and David Dunbar from the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry, TRN0000394 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 23 June 2021), p 630.
  12. Letter from chair of Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists to the Minister of social welfare, ORT0000656_00075 (22 December 1976).
  13. Letter from chair of Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, ORT0000656_00075.
  14. Report to general council meeting, RCP0000012 (New Zealand branch of Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 14 February 1977), p 4.
  15. Report to general council meeting, RCP0000012, p 4.
  16. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, para 2.1.
  17. Mitchell, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Case of a Niuean Boy, para 2.1.
  18. Witness statement of Dr John Werry, WITN0381001, paras 14–15.
  19. Witness statement of Dr John Werry, WITN0381001, paras 16–17.
  20. Witness statement of Dr John Werry, WITN0381001, paras 16–17.
  21. Witness statement of Dr John Werry, WITN0381001, paras 16–17.
  22. Witness statement of Dr John Werry, WITN0381001, paras 45–46.
  23. Report to general council meeting, RCP0000075 (New Zealand branch of Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 7 August 1977), p 4.
  24. Report to general council meeting, RCP0000075, (7 August 1977), p 4.
  25. Report to general council meeting, RCP0000075, (7 August 1977) p 4.
  26. Report to general council meeting, RCP0000075 (New Zealand branch of Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, (7 August 1977), p 4.
  27. Report to general council meeting, RCP0000075 (7 August 1977), p 4.
  28. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), pp 4–15.
  29. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 33.
  30. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 137.
  31. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 138.
  32. Transcript of evidence of Dr Janice Wilson, TRN0000370, p 556.
  33. Witness statement of Dr Janice Wilson, WITN0529001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 30 April 2021), para 20.
  34. Transcript of evidence of Dr Janice Wilson, TRN0000370, pp 556–557.
  35. Transcript of evidence of Dr Janice Wilson, TRN0000370, p 558.
  36. Opinion of Dr John Werry to ACC, CRL0044153_00028 (25 April 1995), pp 8–9; Opinion of Dr Peter McGeorge, CRL0044155_00101 (15 September 1993), p 7.
  37. See Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 2), pp 4–15.
  38. Opinion of Dr Susan Perry on Mr DW, CRL0044150_00082 (1997, provided to Crown Law on 17 June 1998), p 6.
  39. Proposal titled “Government responses to allegations of mistreatment made by former patients of Lake Alice Hospital” by Minister of Health Hon Bill English to Office of the Minister of Health and Cabinet Committee, CRL0044428_00207, p 4.
  40. Letter from Rebecca Ellis, Crown Law, to David Clarke, Ministry of Health, CRL0044150_00026 (4 February 1999).
  41. Letter from Rebecca Ellis, Crown Law, to David Clarke, Ministry of Health, CRL0044150_00026, para 7.
  42. Letter from Rebecca Ellis, Crown Law, to David Clarke, Ministry of Health, CRL0044150_00026, para 40.
  43. Notes of meeting, office of Minister of Health, CRL0044428_00026 (23 February 1999), p 2.
  44. Witness statement of Wyatt Creech, WITN0835001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 30 August 2021), paras 6–7.
  45. Witness statement of Wyatt Creech, WITN0835001, paras 6–7.
  46. Ministry of Health, Health report, CRL0044430_00114 (30 March 2000), p 2.
  47. Ministry of Health, Health report, CRL0044430_00114, pp 7–8.
  48. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 133.
  49. Letter from Grant Cameron to Helen Clark, 18 September 2000, CRL0044413_00006 p2.
  50. Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth on a survivor, CRL0100036 (3 March 2001); Opinion of Associate Professor Brinded on Leoni McInroe, CRL0044455_00026 (5 June 2001); Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth on a survivor, CRL0044170_00008 (5 March 2001); Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth on a survivor, CRL0044172_00023 (5 March 2001); Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth on a survivor, CRL0044175_00025 (5 March 2001); Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth on a survivor, CRL0100034 (5 March 2001); Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth on a survivor, CRL0044179_00091 (5 March 2001); Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth on Tyrone Marks, CRL0044193_00017 (5 March 2001); Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth on a survivor, CRL0100031 (5 March 2001); Opinion of Dr Jeremy Skipworth on a survivor, CRL0100032 (5 March 2001); Opinion of Associate Professor Brinded on a survivor, CRL0044249_00009 (26 February 2001); Opinion of Dr Rees Tapsell on a survivor, CRL0100027 (19 February 2001).
  51. Letter from Solicitor-General Terence Arnold to Prime Minister Helen Clark, Minister of Health Annette King and Minister of Finance Michael Cullen, CRL0040530_00027 (15 May 2001), p 2.
  52. Grant Cameron, transcript of the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit inquiry hearing, TRN0000392 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 21 June 2021), p 477.
  53. Transcript of Grant Cameron, TRN0000392, p 477.
  54. Transcript of Grant Cameron, TRN0000392, p 498.
  55. Transcript of Grant Cameron, TRN0000392, pp 499–502.
  56. Memorandum from Hamish Hancock, Crown Law, to Solicitor-General Terence Arnold, Proposed Lake Alice: Points of principle, CRL0044434_00028 (14 May 2001).
  57. Letter from Solicitor-General Terence Arnold to Grant Cameron Associates, CRL0044415_00056 (4 July 2001).
  58. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035.
  59. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035, pp 1–2; Letter from Sir Rodney Gallen to the solicitor-general, CRL0044445_00084, (14 September 2001) p 1.
  60. Email from Dr Anthony Duncan to various people, CRL0044437_00063 (27 September 2001), p 1.
  61. Email from Dr Anthony Duncan to various people, CRL0044437_00063, p 1.
  62. Ministry of Health, Health report, CRL0044437 (28 September 2001), p 5.
  63. Media release by Prime Minister Helen Clark, Settlement for former Lake Alice patients, CRL0044438_00148 (7 October 2001).
  64. Witness statement of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, WITN0104004 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 6 April 2021), paras 18.22–18.23.
  65. Witness statement of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, WITN0104004, para 6.53.
  66. Witness statement of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, WITN0104004, paras 6.51–6.55.
  67. Witness statement of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, WITN0104004, paras 6.51–6.55.
  68. “Children lived in terror”, CRL0044439_00184, The Evening Post, (13 October 2001), “Tell us our kids are safe – McClay”, CRL0044439_00185, The Evening Post (13 October 2001).
  69. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035, p 1.
  70. File note of Grant Liddell’s call with Denis Hesseltine, CRL0044435 (16 July 2001), p 115.
  71. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 283.
  72. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035, p 1, para 2.
  73. Gallen, Report on the Lake Alice incidents, CRL0044437_00035, paras 8 and 17.
  74. First witness statement of Justice David Collins QC, WITN0557001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 12 May 2021), para 49.
  75. Second witness statement of Justice David Collins QC, WITN0557002 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, August 2021), para 9.
  76. Second witness statement of Justice David Collins QC, WITN0557002, para 10.
  77. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 134.
  78. First witness statement of Justice David Collins QC, WITN0557001, para 17.
  79. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 139.
  80. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000397 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 28 June 2001), p 868, lines 1–9.
  81. Unsigned agreement to resolve grievance of former patient of Lake Alice hospital child and adolescent unit between the Crown and applicant: CRL0044444_00018.
  82. Brief of evidence by Sir Rodney Gallen, MSC0007692, Oakley Moran, Scolicitors, Wellington, (28 November 2005), para 16.
  83. Witness statement of Paul Zentveld, WITN0341001, para 117.
  84. Letter from Ministry of Health to Paul Zentveld, CRL0047306 (23 August 2002), p 1.
  85. Statement of claim by Paul Zentveld, MSC0007610 (Grant Cameron Associates, 14 November 2002).
  86. Judgment of Judge TJ Broadmore, Zentveld v Attorney-General DC Wellington CIV-2003-085-528, CRL0008296 (11 September 2006), para 117.
  87. Zentveld v Attorney-General, para 128.
  88. Zentveld v Attorney-General, paras 101–102.
  89. Witness statement of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, WITN0104004, para 6.48.
  90. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000397, p 868.
  91. Statement of Phil Knipe, CRN0000052 (27 January 2020), para 4.14.
  92. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 142 and (vol 2), p 15.
  93. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), pp 228235.
  94. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 133 and (vol 2), p 15.
  95. Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), pp 136139.
  96. Zendvelt v Attorney-General DC Wellington CIV-2003-485-528, 11 September 2006, paras 115 and 120.
  97. Notice of application of first and second defendants to strike out plaintiff’s claim, McInroe v Leeks & Attorney-General, CRL0044153_00018 (1 June 1995).
  98. See also Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 2), p 7.
  99. Notice of application of first and second defendants to strike out plaintiff’s claim, McInroe v Leeks & Attorney-General.
  100. Notice of application of first and second defendants to strike out plaintiff’s claim, McInroe v Leeks & Attorney-General; Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 2), p 7.
  101. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, paras 60–61.
  102. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 56.
  103. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 69.
  104. Witness statement of Mr AA, WITN0219001, para 43; Witness statement of Antony de Malmanche, WITN0310001, paras 115–116.
  105. Witness statement of Kevin Banks, WITN0332001, para 75; Witness statement of Bryon Nicol, WITN0350001, para 48; Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 66.
  106. Feint, & Maltby, Closing submissions for the Crown, MSC0007606, para 7.6(e).
  107. See Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 281, recommendation 18.
  108. Letter from Sir Rodney Gallen to the solicitor-general, CRL0044437 (14 September 2001), p 202.
  109. Letter from Grant Liddell, Crown Law, to Grant Cameron, CRL0044189_00123 (26 November 2001), para 7.
  110. Second witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638008, 2021, para 75.
  111. Witness statement of Justice David Collins QC, WITN0557001, para 47(b).
  112. See Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu (vol 1), p 291, recommendation 25, and p 325, recommendation 66.
  113. Witness statement of Sharyn Collis, WITN0344001, para 67.
  114. Witness statement of Malcolm Richards, WITN0335001, para 64.
  115. Witness statement of Peter Henaghan, WITN0340001, para 43.
  116. -
  117. Witness statement of Mr JJ, WITN0329001, para 57.
  118. Feint & Maltby, Closing submissions for the Crown, MSC0007606, para 5.5(a) and (b).
  119. Memorandum to Cabinet Policy Committee, Psychiatric hospitals claims: Proposal for alternative dispute resolution process, CRL0008331_00030 (2004), para 48.3. Author unclear.
  120. Ministry of Social Development historic claims team assessment, MSD0005396, p 4.
  121. Letter from Crown Law to Sonja Cooper, MSD0009140 (19 December 2013), para 39.
  122. Letter from Crown Law to Sonja Cooper, MSD0004077 (3 November 2017), para 31.
  123. Witness statement of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, WITN0104004, para 19.1.
  124. Letter from Crown Law to Sonja Cooper, CRL0229732 (25 September 2013), para 21.
  125. Ministry of Social Development claims assessment of Survivor, MSD0008127 (30 September 2014), paras 252-253.
  126. Ministry of Social Development claims assessment of Survivor, MSD0003407 (16 October 2019), pp 15 and 18.
  127. Letter from Crown Law to Sonja Cooper, CRL0163278 (24 April 2013), para 30.
  128. Ministry of Social Development interview with Don Brown, MSD0011726 (6 October 2008), p 11.
  129. Ministry of Health, Health report, MOH0000425 (17 July 1997), pp 4, 5.
  130. Letter from survivor to Medical Practitioners Disciplinary Committee, WITN0514013 (30 April 1991).
  131. Witness statement of Gabriel Fraser, WITN0277001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 25 February 2021), para 8.
  132. Letter from survivor to Medical Practitioners Disciplinary Committee, WITN0514013.
  133. Letter from survivor to Medical Practitioners Disciplinary Committee, WITN0514013.
  134. Letter from survivor to Medical Practitioners Disciplinary Committee, WITN0514013.
  135. Letter from survivor to Medical Practitioners Disciplinary Committee, WITN0514013.
  136. Letter from Medical Practitioners Disciplinary Committee to Lake Alice Hospital, WITN0514015 (New Zealand Medical Association, 17 June 1991).
  137. Witness statement of Gabriel Fraser, WITN0277001, para 34.
  138. Witness statement of Gabriel Fraser, WITN0277001, para 35.
  139. Witness statement of Gabriel Fraser, WITN0277001, paras 39–42.
  140. Letter from a survivor to Medical Council of New Zealand, WITN0275017 (29 January 1999).
  141. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council of New Zealand, WITN0275018 (Medical Council of New Zealand, 21 January 2000), para 3.
  142. Witness statement of Aleyna Hall, WITN0275002 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 22 April 2021), para 16.
  143. Medical Practitioners Act 1995, section 88.
  144. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council, WITN0275018, para 5.
  145. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council, WITN0275018, para 7.
  146. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council, WITN0275018, para 7.
  147. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council, WITN0275018, para 8.
  148. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council, WITN0275018, para 8.
  149. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council, WITN0275018, para 9.
  150. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council, WITN0275018, para 9.
  151. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council, WITN0275018, para 9.
  152. Letter from Complaints Assessment Committee to president of Medical Council, WITN0275018, para 13.
  153. Letter from Tania Turfrey to Grant Liddell, MCO0000004_00011 (27 July 2001).
  154. Letter from Grant Liddell to Tania Turfrey, CRL0044439_00012 (30 October 2001).
  155. Letter from Medical Council of New Zealand to Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, APH0000012 (9 November 2001).
  156. See also section 55 of the Medical Practitioners Act 1968 and section 83 of the Medical Practitioners Act 1995.
  157. Witness statement of Dr Wayne Miles, WITN0385001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 3 March 2021), p 2.
  158. Witness statement of Associate Professor John Allan, WITN0210039, para 8.
  159. Witness statement of Associate Professor John Allan, WITN0210039, para 8.
  160. Witness statement of Associate Professor John Allan, WITN0210039, paras 15–20.
  161. Witness statement of Associate Professor John Allan, WITN0210039, paras 9–16.
  162. Witness statement of Dr Wayne Miles, WITN0385001, p 3.
  163. Witness statement of Dr Wayne Miles, WITN0385001, p 4.
  164. Letter from Craig Patterson to Minister of Health, RCP0000028 (16 October 2001).
  165. Letter from Craig Patterson to Minister of Health, RCP0000028. See also Witness statement of Associate Professor John Allan, WITN0210039, para 9.
  166. Letter from Craig Patterson to the Minister of Health, RCP0000028 (16 October 2001).
  167. Letter from Craig Patterson to the Minister of Health, RCP0000028.
  168. Letter from Craig Patterson to the Minister of Health, RCP0000028.
  169. Letter from Craig Patterson to the Minister of Health, RCP0000028.
  170. Email from Linda Jacobs to Grant Liddell, MOH0000435 (16 October 2001), p 1.
  171. Email from Chris Chapman to Grant Liddell, CRL0044439_00127 (17 October 2001).
  172. Letter from Grant Adam to Craig Patterson, CRL0044439_00019 (24 October 2001).
  173. Letter from Grant Adam to Craig Patterson, CRL0044439_00019.
  174. Letter from Grant Adam to Craig Patterson, CRL0044439_00019.
  175. Letter from Craig Patterson to Medical Council of New Zealand, RCP0000029 (17 October 2001).
  176. Media release: Medical practitioners board must act now to ensure children’s safety, Craig Patterson, executive director, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, CRL0044439_00152 (15 October 2001).
  177. Royal Australian and College of Psychiatrists, Press release: Psychiatrists call on Lake Alice victims to take further action, RCP0000048 (5 December 2001).
  178. Witness statement of Associate Professor John Allan, WITN0210039, para 12.
  179. Decision on application for review by Leoni McInroe, CRL0044153_00068 p 1.
  180. Decision on application for review by Leoni McInroe, CRL0044153_00068, p 51.
  181. As stipulated in the Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Act 1992, section 5(10).
  182. File note of Ian Carter, CRL0044149 (29 September 1995), p 230.
  183. Email from Medical Council of New Zealand to Mike Wesley-Smith, inquiry secretariat, MSC0007858 (6 July 2021).
  184. Witness statement of Michael Mercier, WITN0810001, (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 12 August 2021), p 2.
  185. Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Act 1992, section 90(3).
  186. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 325.
  187. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 327; Letter from Minter Ellison to Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, APH0000002 (Minter Ellison, 27 June 2003), pp 2–3.
  188. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 332.
  189. Letter from Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria to Minter Ellison, APH0000006 (Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, 25 June 2002); First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 340.
  190. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, paras 344–351.
  191. Notice of formal hearing, APH0000013 (Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, 26 June 2006).
  192. Undertaking and agreement by Dr Selwyn Leeks, APH0000036 (Tress Cox & Maddox, 17 July 2006).
  193. Letter from Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria to Grant Cameron Associates, GCA0000104 (Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria, 20 July 2006).
  194. Letter from Children’s Commissioner Roger McClay to Minister of Health Annette King, CRL0044442 (17 October 2001), p 284.
  195. Letter from Minister of Health Annette King to Children’s Commissioner Roger McClay, CRL0044442 (15 November 2001), pp 280–283.
  196. File note of meeting between Children’s Commissioner Roger McClay and Crown officials, CRL0044442_00137 (28 January 2002).
  197. File note of meeting between Children’s Commissioner Roger McClay and Crown officials, CRL0044442_00137.
  198. File note of meeting between Children’s Commissioner Roger McClay and Crown officials, CRL0044442_00137.
  199. File note of meeting between Children’s Commissioner Roger McClay and Crown officials, CRL0044442_00137, p 2.
  200. Statement from the Office of the Children’s Commissioner, EXT0019206 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 16 December 2021), p 9.
  201. Health and Disability Commissioner complaint file, HDC0000004_00011, (27 July 1999) pg 6
  202. Health and Disability Commissioner Amendment Act 2003. Under section 31 of the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994, such complaints could be investigated if it was alleged or appeared the action affected a health consumer and was, at the time it was made, a ground for bringing disciplinary proceedings against the health practitioner under a former health registration enactment, but was not referred to the body that, under that enactment, had jurisdiction to consider it.
  203. The time that had elapsed between the subject-matter of the complaint and the date when the complaint was made is a relevant factor for the commissioner to consider when deciding whether to take no action on a complaint: Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994, section 38.
  204. Letter from the Health and Disability Commissioner to Kevin Banks, HDC0000004_00050 (6 December 2005).
  205. Letter from Kevin Banks to the Health and Disability Commissioner, HDC0000004_00053, (although no date appears on Mr Banks’ letter of complaint, the letter from the Health and Disability Commissioner of 6 December 2005 acknowledges receipt of Mr Banks’ letter of 26 November 2005).
  206. Letter from the Health and Disability Commissioner to Kevin Banks, HDC0000004_00048 (21 December 2005).
  207. Ministry of Health, Health report, CRL0044462_00051 (15 August 1997).
  208. Ministry of Health, Health report, CRL0044430_00132 (20 January 2000).
  209. Ministry of Health, Health report, CRL0044462_00051 (15 August 1997); Ministry of Health, Health report, CRL0044462_00040 (15 October 1997); Ministry of Health, Health report, MOH0000416 (29 September 1997).
  210. Ministry of Health, cover sheet of Health report, CRL0044462_00040 (15 October 1997).
  211. Letter from Grant Cameron to Dr Janice Wilson (Director of Mental Health, Ministry of Health), CRL0044463_00255 (27 February 1998).
  212. The office of the Health and Disability Commissioner did not introduce a conflict of interest policy until 2007: Response to Notice to Produce no 1, HDC0000004_00042 (Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner, undated).
  213. First witness statement of Grant Cameron, WITN0638001, para 368.
  214. Letter from Graham Emery to Deputy Commissioner Steve Long, NZP0000065 (25 March 2003).
  215. Letter from Graham Emery to Deputy Commissioner Steve Long, NZP0000065.
  216. Letter from Graham Emery to Deputy Commissioner Steve Long, NZP0000065.
  217. Witness statement of Lawrence Reid, WITN0482001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 22 April 2021), para 7 [amended version 26 August 2021]
  218. Witness statement of Lawrence Reid, WITN0482001, para 10 [amended version 26 August 2021]
  219. Witness statement of Lawrence Reid, WITN0482001, para 7 [amended version 26 August 2021]
  220. Memorandum from Nicola Crutchley to Lou Lamprati, CRL0250486 (26 June 2003), p 1.
  221. Letter from Larry Reid to Paul Zentveld, NZP0000291 (draft, no date), p 1.
  222. United Nations Committee against Torture, Decision adopted by committee under article 22 of the convention concerning communication no 852/2017, (23 January 2020), para 9.8.
  223. Legal opinion from Nicola Crutchley to New Zealand Police, NZP0000017 (15 April 2004), para 26.
  224. Statement read by Detective Superintendent Tom Fitzgerald, NZP0041717 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2021), p 1.
  225. Witness statement of Jim Taare, WITN0640001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2 June 2021), para 35.
  226. Statement read by Detective Superintendent Tom Fitzgerald, NZP0041717, p 1.
  227. Statement read by Detective Superintendent Tom Fitzgerald, NZP0041717, p 1.
  228. Statement read by Detective Superintendent Tom Fitzgerald, NZP0041717, p 1.
  229. Reid, L, Weekly report, NZP0000004 (New Zealand Police, 18 March 2005).
  230. Reid, NZP0000004. Mr Reid expressed the same view in a letter to director-general of Health Karen Poutasi, NZP0001467 (18 February 2005) and a letter to Detective Superintendent Rod Drew, NZP0000064 (18 January 2006).
  231. Reid, L (detective superintendent), police schedule of Lake Alice complaints as part of Operation Lake Alice, NZP0000031, undated, p 1.
  232. Statement read by Detective Superintendent Tom Fitzgerald, NZP0041717, pp 1–2. NZ Police referred to taking some investigative steps, including seeking an opinion in relation to Hake Halo’s complaint, making enquiries to establish whether staff members were alive, interviewing Mr Halo and Ms Natusch, preparing a schedule of alleged offending and suspects, correspondence with the Citizens Coalition of Human Rights New Zealand, the director-general of Health, the Confidential Listening and Assistance Service, and discussions with the Health and Disability Commissioner.
  233. Email from Larry Reid to Steve Winter, NZP0041555_00006 (2 February 2005).
  234. Reid, L, Weekly report, NZP0000004.
  235. Witness statement of Lawrence Reid, WITN0482001, para 23.
  236. Email from Detective Superintendent Malcolm Burgess to David at ‘dbcollins law’, NZP0000929, 21/06/2006.
  237. New Zealand Police, Investigation Plan – Lake Alice Inquiry, NZP0000050, 20/06/06.
  238. Letter from Malcom Burgess to Assistant Commissioner Peter Marshall, NZP0000316 (22 June 2006).
  239. Transcript of evidence of Malcolm Burgess from the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit hearing, TRN0000395 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2021), pg 756
  240. Memorandum from Nick Perry, national manager: crime, to Assistant Commissioner: crime and operations, Lake Alice: Historic allegations, NZP0000317_00001 (12 July 2006), p 1. The decision to focus on only Dr Leeks and the misuse of ECT was also a complete reversal of the scope adopted by Mr Reid, which was to focus on allegations of physical and sexual offending.
  241. Email from Malcolm Burgess to David Collins, NZP0000929 (21 June 2006).
  242. Memorandum from Nick Perry, national manager: crime to Assistant Commissioner: crime and operations, NZP0000317_00001, p 1.
  243. Transcript of evidence of Malcolm Burgess, TRN0000395, p 756.
  244. Transcript of evidence of Thomas Fitzgerald from the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit hearing, TRN0000395 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2021), pp 745–746.
  245. Transcript of evidence of Thomas Fitzgerald, TRN0000395, pp 824–825.
  246. Statement read by Detective Superintendent Tom Fitzgerald, NZP0041717, p 1.
  247. Statement read by Detective Superintendent Tom Fitzgerald, NZP0041717.
  248. New Zealand Police, Adult sexual assault investigation policy, NZP0026569 (effective from 1 August 2003), p 8.
  249. Transcript of evidence of Malcolm Burgess, TRN0000395, p 753.
  250. Transcript of evidence of Malcolm Burgess, TRN0000395, pp 753–754.
  251. Transcript of evidence of Malcolm Burgess, TRN0000395, p 760.
  252. Report by Dave Pizzini, NZP0001265 (16 November 2008).
  253. Transcript of evidence of Malcolm Burgess, TRN0000395, pp 780–781.
  254. Witness statement of Malcolm Burgess, WITN0437001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 6 April 2021), para 6.16.
  255. Transcript of evidence of Malcolm Burgess, TRN0000395, p 761.
  256. Transcript of evidence of Malcolm Burgess, TRN0000395, p 761.
  257. Letter from Malcolm Burgess to Rod Drew, NZP0000061 (22 March 2007), p 3.
  258. Report of Malcolm Burgess, NZP0000308 (14 September 2009), p 1.
  259. Job sheet of interview of Terry Conlan, NZP0000341 (17 August 2006), p 2.
  260. Report of Malcolm Burgess, NZP0000308, p 4.
  261. Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit Inquiry Hearing Transcript of Proceedings, TRN0000396, (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 25 June 2021) p 786.
  262. Witness statement of Ian McArthur, WITN0443001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 21 April 2021).
  263. Confirmed in Mr McArthur’s covering letter to Mr Burgess enclosing his opinion, NZP0000019 (14 December 2009), p 2; Witness statement of Pip Hall, WITN0542001 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 20 April 2021), paras 3 and 9–10.
  264. Legal opinion of Ian McArthur, NZP0000853 (1 December 2009), p 5.
  265. Legal opinion of Ian McArthur, NZP0000853, p 9.
  266. Legal opinion of Ian McArthur, NZP0000853, p 10.
  267. Legal opinion of Ian McArthur, NZP0000853, p 13.
  268. Feint & Maltby, Closing submissions for the Crown, MSC0007606, para 6.3(d)
  269. Witness statement of Pip Hall, WITN0542001, para 7.
  270. Legal opinion of Pip Hall, NZP0000019 (9 December 2009), para 7.
  271. Legal opinion of Pip Hall, NZP0000019 (9 December 2009), para 7.
  272. Legal opinion of Pip Hall, NZP0000019 (9 December 2009), para 13(b) and (e).
  273. Legal opinion of Ian McArthur, NZP0000853, p 13; Legal opinion of Pip Hall, NZP0000019 (9 December 2009), pp 6 and 8.
  274. Stuff, Lake Alice abuse group to take case to UN, CCH0002160 (30 March 2010), p 7.
  275. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000397, pp 895–899.
  276. Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks to Rob Butler, NZP0000774 (27 June 1977), p 7.
  277. Report by Detective Senior Sergeant Rob Butler regarding allegations of ill treatment of patients in Lake Alice Adolescent Unit, NZP0000762 (19 August 1977), p 14
  278. Legal opinion of Neville Trendle, NZP0000804 (12 September 1977), p 1.
  279. Notes of comments made by Dr Selwyn Leeks to Rob Butler, NZP0000774 (27 June 1977), p 7.
  280. Report by Rob Butler, NZP0000762 (19 August 1977), p 8.
  281. Report by Rob Butler, NZP0000762 (19 August 1977), p 5.
  282. Letter from Robert Butler to Wanganui District Commander Brian Dean, NZP0001459 (3 February 1978), p 1.
  283. Weekly report of Detective Superintendent Larry Reid, NZP0000004 (18 March 2005).
  284. Memorandum from Nick Perry to Assistant Commissioner: Crime and Operations, New Zealand Police, NZP0000317_00001 (12 July 2006), p 1.
  285. Transcript of evidence of Malcolm Burgess, TRN0000395, pp 758–759.
  286. Legal opinion of Pip Hall, NZP0000019, (9 December 2009) para 13(e).
  287. Report by Doug Brew to district manager, criminal investigations, NZP0000388 (27 January 2014), pp 8–10.
  288. Report by Doug Brew to district manager, criminal investigations, NZP0000388, p 10.
  289. Letter from Malcolm Burgess to Superintendent Russell Gibson, district commander, Central District, NZP0000388 (6 March 2014), p 5.
  290. Email from Detective Senior Sergeant Anthony Tebbutt to Malcolm Richards, NZP0001057 (29 November 2018).
  291. Email from Detective Senior Sergeant Anthony Tebbutt to Malcolm Richards, NZP0001057 (29 November 2018).
  292. Email from Detective Senior Sergeant Anthony Tebbutt to Malcolm Richards, NZP0001057 (11 and 12 February 2019).
  293. Interview report prepared by Detective L Foley, NZP0000407 (15 March 2019), p 3.
  294. Letter from Professor Garry Walter to Detective Senior Sergeant Tebbutt, NZP0001493 (27 September 2019), p 1.
  295. Crimes Act 1961, section 195.
  296. The fact a case arising out of this investigation is still before the courts means we cannot comment in any detail on how NZ Police conducted its investigation. We may do so in subsequent reports.
  297. Witness statement of Thomas Fitzgerald, NZP0047674 (28 March 2022), para 2.3.
  298. List of survivors/complainants whom NZ Police contacted or attempted to contact, NZP0047656, undated.
  299. Police instructions manual: Child protection – mass allegation investigation, NZP0042656 (New Zealand Police, 25 November 2021), pp 7–8.
  300. United Nations Committee against Torture, Decision adopted by committee under article 22 of the convention concerning communication no 852/2017, para 8.3.
  301. See, for example, the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights and 1969 American Convention on Human Rights.
  302. Letter from JMR Mansfield to secretary of foreign affairs, Wellington, MOJ0001306_00056 (15 October 1974).
  303. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3452(XXX) of 9 December 1975.
  304. Letter from Secretary of Foreign Affairs Adrienne Jackson to Secretary for Justice, MOJ0001312_00015 (28 April 1978).
  305. United Nation’s Committee Against Torture and Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Questionnaire on the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, MOJ0001312_00017 (8 December 1977).
  306. Letter from secretary for justice to secretary of foreign affairs, MOJ0001312_00011 (12 September 1978).
  307. Letter from Crown response unit chief advisor, Sandra Moore, to Erin James, inquiry secretariat, in response to Nowak–Steimann opinion, CRN0000649 (2 May 2022).
  308. Letter from Crown response unit chief advisor, CRN0000649 (2 May 2022).
  309. Letter from Crown response unit chief advisor, CRN0000649 (2 May 2022).
  310. Letter from Crown response unit chief advisor, CRN0000649 (2 May 2022).
  311. The committee came into being after the United Nations General Assembly adopted the text of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in 1984: UN Doc A/Res/57/199 (adopted 10 December 1984, entered into force 26 June 1987).
  312. When New Zealand ratified the convention on 10 December 1989 it also recognised the competence of the committee to “receive and consider communications from or on behalf of individuals subject to its jurisdiction who claim to be victims of a violation by a State Party of the provisions of the Convention”: article 22(1).
  313. Email from Heather Ward to Grant Adam, CRL0044435_00025 (26 July 2001).
  314. Email from Grant Adam to Christine Lloyd and Grant Liddell, CRL0044435_00025 (27 July 2001).
  315. Email from Grant Liddell to various people, CRL0044435_00019 (27 July 2001).
  316. Email from Heather Ward to Grant Adam, CRL0044441_00036 (4 December 2001).
  317. Email from Grant Adam to Heather Ward, CRL0044441_00036 (5 December 2001).
  318. Email from Grant Adam to Heather Ward, CRL0044441_00036. (5 December 2001).
  319. Email from Wendy Edgar to various people, CRL0044447_00266 (13 February 2004).
  320. Email from Wendy Edgar to various people, CRL0044447_00265 (27 February 2004).
  321. Draft briefing paper for Don Mathieson, CRL0044447_00264 (no date), p 1.
  322. Email from Ben Keith to Rachael Schmidt, CRL0044447_00270 (14 April 2004).
  323. Briefing paper for Don Mathieson, CRL0044447_00261 (no date).
  324. United Nation’s Committee Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment and Punishment, Summary record of first part of committee’s meeting, MFA0000067 (12 May 2004). author?
  325. Summary record of first part of committee’s meeting, MFA0000076 (4 May 2009), p 6.
  326. Ministry of Health Chief Legal Advisor Mr Philip Knipe told the inquiry’s redress hearing in October 2020 that Lake Alice survivors continued to come forward after the cut-off date for the second-round settlement of 1 July 2002. The ministry has maintained a separate process for new claims, although it makes no effort to publicise the claims process and no reference is made to it on its website. Even so, it has continued to receive on average about one new claim a year: Transcript of hearing, TRN0000016 (19 October 2020), pp 15 and 53–56.
  327. Follow-up responses by New Zealand to the concluding observations of the Committee against Torture, MFA0000078 (19 May 2010), pp 10–11.
  328. Green, S, Allegations of torture and/or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, WITN0502002 (Citizens Commission on Human Rights, 13 May 2010), pp 6–14.
  329. Follow-up letter from Felice Gaer to New Zealand regarding fifth periodic report, MFA0000079 (7 May 2012).
  330. New Zealand’s Sixth periodic report to the United Nation’s Committee against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 2013, MOJ0000023 (20 December 2013), p 40.
  331. United Nation’s Committee against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Concluding observations on sixth periodic report, MFA0000084 (United Nations Committee against Torture, 2 June 2015), p 5.
  332. Information received from New Zealand in follow-up to concluding observations, MFA0000085 (3 June 2016), p 6.
  333. Letter from Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson to Sonja Cooper, CRL0151648, pp 2–3.
  334. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000022 (Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, 2020), pp 962–963.
  335. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000397, p 853.
  336. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000397, p 853.
  337. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000397, p 853.
  338. Transcript of evidence of Solicitor-General Una Jagose, TRN0000397, pp 853–854.
  339. Memorandum from Una Jagose, Lisa Hansen, Austin Powell and Fiona Guy-Kidd to Karen Clark and John Pike, Deputy Solicitors-General dated 10 April 2006, CRL0008335_00020
  340. Memorandum dated 10 April 2006, CRL0008335_00020 at paras 115-116
  341. Memorandum from John Pike to Una Jagose dated 29 May 2006, CRL0016502.
  342. In ratifying the convention on 10 December 1989, New Zealand recognised the committee’s competence to “receive and consider communications from or on behalf of individuals subject to its jurisdiction who claim to be victims” of torture and similar treatment: Convention against Torture & Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, article 22(1).
  343. Boyd, V, Complaint to the United Nations Committee against Torture regarding Paul Zentveld, WITN0341044 (Citizens Commission on Human Rights, 10 July 2017), p 7.
  344. United Nations document A/Res/57/199. The convention was adopted on 10 December 1984 and came into force on 26 June 1987. It was ratified in New Zealand by the Crimes of Torture Act 1989.
  345. Convention against Torture & Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, article 12.
  346. Convention against Torture & Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, articles 13 and 14.
  347. United Nations Committee against Torture, Decision adopted by committee under article 22 of the convention concerning communication no 852/2017.
  348. United Nations Committee against Torture, Decision adopted by the committee under article 22 of the convention, concerning communication no 934/2019 (16 June 2022).
  349. Submission to United Nations Committee against Torture regarding Paul Zentveld’s complaint, WITN0341044 (New Zealand Permanent Mission to United Nations Office in Geneva, 18 May 2018), paras 7–11.
  350. United Nations Committee against Torture, Decision adopted by committee under article 22 of the convention concerning communication no 852/2017.
  351. United Nations Committee against Torture, Decision adopted by committee under article 22 of the convention concerning communication no 852/2017, para 9.4.
  352. United Nations Committee against Torture, Decision adopted by the Committee against Torture under article 22 of the convention, concerning communication no 934/2019, para 8.10.
  353. Letter from Crown Response Unit chief advisor, Sandra Moore, to Erin James, inquiry secretariat, in response to Nowak–Steimann opinion, CRN0000649 (28 April 2022).


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