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This Minute sets out directions on the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s upcoming public hearing into abuse in the care of the Hospitaller Brothers of St John of God (Order of St John of God) at Marylands School, the St Joseph’s orphanage and the Hebron Trust.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated January 2022
Public hearings Minute,
Minute 18 is a document about the natural justice process followed by the Inquiry.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated December 2021
Procedural Minute,
The Inquiry is investigating the abuse of children, young persons and vulnerable adults in State care and in ​the care of faith-based institutions.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated November 2021
Procedural Minute,
This Minute sets out directions on the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s upcoming Pacific Survivors public hearing ‘Tulou - Our Pacific Voices’ (the hearing).
Filetype(s): PDFCreated July 2021
Procedural Minute,
This Minute sets out directions on the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s upcoming public hearing into Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit (the Hearing).
Filetype(s): PDFCreated June 2021
Procedural Minute,
The first public hearing of the investigation into abuse at Children’s State Residences begins on 3 May 2021.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated April 2021
Procedural Minute,
This Minute sets out directions on Phase 2 of the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s upcoming public hearing into faith-based redress hearing.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated April 2021
Procedural Minute,
On 25 November 2020 the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry released its decisions relating to applications made at the 20 November Procedural hearing.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated November 2020
Procedural Minute,
The Inquiry issues its decisions on applications for leave to make closing submissions at the conclusion of the State Redress hearings.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated September 2020
Procedural Minute,
The Inquiry issues its decisions on the applications for leave to question, and sets out directions on hearing of evidence in chief.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated August 2020
Procedural Minute,