Quick Exit

***Distressing content warning***

Presentation starts at 00:00:50

Her Honour Judge Henwood was the Chair of the Confidential Listening and Assistance Service (CLAS) which ran from 2008 to 2015. CLAS provided a confidential panel, facilitating counselling and assistance for people who experienced abuse or neglect during their time in State care in residential special education, health and welfare sectors before 1992.

Judge Henwood reflected on the major common themes that came through from the over 1100 survivors that she heard from, the legacy of the effects that they suffered, concerns around systemic failures within State care, the processes and policies which contributed to poor outcomes, and the barriers to positive outcomes for survivors. Judge Henwood discussed the final report of the Service, Some Memories Never Fade, and the Government’s response at the time, and give recommendations for the Royal Commission’s work moving forward.