Quick Exit

***Distressing content warning***


This group involves five siblings across one whānau. All are of Waikato-Tainui descent and were placed in State care at a young age.

Ms AG suffered psychological and sexual abuse in State care and was isolated and denied adequate access to schooling and education. As a mother, Ms AG continued to suffer from the impacts of the abuse on her wairua and whānau and whakapapa connections. Ms AG discussed that tamariki in care need better access to support systems, and the need for more adequate caregiver checks.

Ms AH was uplifted as a child due to reports of family violence and neglect. She suffered physical, verbal, psychological abuse, neglect and was denied adequate education. She is rebuilding whānau relationships but had suffered cultural alienation from her time in State care. Ms AH still struggles with State care induced trauma and called for better support systems in place for tamariki in State care and their parents.

Mr AI spent most of his childhood in the care of Child, Youth and Family Services. He suffered physical and psychological abuse and lived in a constant state of anxiety. His time in care dislocated him from his culture and whānau. Mr AI recommended adequate compensation and a State apology for the harm they have caused. His father also went through State care.

Ms AJ experienced neglect, verbal, psychological, physical and sexual abuse, lack of medical attention, separation from siblings, and forced labour. The impacts of her time in care include a loss of educational opportunities, anxiety, issues with mental health, disconnection from her siblings and culture. She recommended better support for social worker standards and training, better educational opportunities, ensuring connection with whānau, whakapapa and culture, and compensation for the harm caused.

Ms AK suffered neglect, verbal, psychological, physical and sexual abuse and was denied an education. Her time in care resulted in PTSD, anxiety, addiction and cultural alienation. She recommended improving the current care system, including by ensuring that te Tiriti o Waitangi be better incorporated into the care system.