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Tupuna whare Tumutumuwhenua, Ōrākei Marae, where the Māori hearing will take place in March 2022.


E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā iwi, tena tātou katoa.

Māori hearing to be held at Ōrākei Marae in Tāmaki Makaurau from 7-18 March 2022

The hearing was initially scheduled for September this year but was postponed to protect the health of survivors and other attendees as COVID-19 spread through the community. 

At this public hearing, Māori survivors of abuse in State and faith-based care will share their experiences.

Commissioners are committed to ensuring light is shed on the horrendous experiences Māori survivors have endured. Māori survivors need to be heard, and this important hearing will give them a powerful platform to share what happened to them and what needs to change to make sure abuse in care never happens again, e kore anō.

We are working closely with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to design and guide the hearing. We want the hearing to be held in person if possible, to give this important kaupapa the cultural setting it deserves and allow people to attend.

You can read more about the new Māori hearing dates on our website: www.abuseincare.org.nz/news.

Marylands School public hearing dates

We are currently working to confirm the dates for the Marylands School public hearing and will be in touch again soon to update you.

Ngā mihi nui kia koutou,

From the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry team.

1 November Panui New Maori hearing dates

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