Quick Exit

***Distressing content warning***

Presentation starts at 15:20

Ms Calman suffered physical and sexual abuse and neglect early on in life while growing up in her family home. While she first came to State notice in approximately May 1961, it took six years before complaint action was finally taken because of the detrimental home environment, but she remained in the family home under supervision. In 1969 complaint action was taken again and Ms Calman became a State Ward. She was placed in Nazareth House in Christchurch from 1969 to 1972 where she suffered physical and psychological abuse. In 1972 Ms Calman was placed with the first of several foster families, and was sexually and physically abused in these placements until she was discharged from State care.  

Ms Calman has been diagnosed with depression and PTSD. In recent years she has written a book about her experiences. She discussed her claim for redress - her claim documents were sent to the Ministry of Social Development on 4 August 2015. At the time of the hearing she was still waiting for a response.